Sunday, November 03, 2013

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday November 4 Since last night the Moon has been voiding herself of Scorpio’s intuitive perceptions of the good and bad in humans. While she is still draining off the murky waters of Scorpio until this afternoon, it is a good time for any type of purification. At 1:14 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the multi-cultural world of Sagittarius. Yet we may feel uncomfortable interacting with strangers or people whose intentions are covert. Putting forth those remarkable traits most familiar to us is best, as well as making one’s presence known. Surprising opportunities await us if we get in tune with others. Tuesday November 5 This Sagittarius Moon brings encouragement to embark on a new journey. Sagittarius sometimes prefers the inner trips to the outer ones. This morning we may struggle with directing our feelings to take any external action, as the Moon goes void of course at 9:48 am, MT, until tomorrow afternoon. Such a state of uncertainty suggests we don’t take on too much today. The Sagittarius in us may demand ease and comfort. Passive activities are best for the day, like reading or anything which allows the mind to wonder into foreign territory, checking out other-worldly things. Wednesday November 6 The Sagittarius Moon is void of course, burning off an alchemy of concepts for forming community. Normal reality becomes extraordinary in some minds. There are rich inspirational images to focus on and work with for months ahead. At 2:06 pm, MT, the Moon enters her crescent phase when determination is needed to pursue inklings of the blessings received when co-creating ideals. At 2:44 pm, the Moon moves into dutiful Capricorn, and emotions mount up over social clashes triggered by doubts born from experience. It’s time to re-think what one really wants to accomplish. Thursday November 7 With this Capricorn Moon issues arise regarding trusting intuition about possible new ways of engaging with others. The reality of emotional and cultural roots of assumptions about human interactions can suddenly burst into our awareness. Many associations can be made, and the Capricorn Moon offers determination to figure out how to proceed. There’s an elusive pleasure in social engagement today. Many of the exchanges exhibit attention-getting behavior to study. The Capricorn in us can swing from being too harsh and intolerant to excessively accommodating while examining behavior. Friday November 8 The Capricorn Moon is void of course until this afternoon. While she is shoveling off the seriousness of Capricorn, life may seem hard. Yet the wisdom gained from tough moments needs to be used to break through rigid patterns which can keep one stuck. Sometimes visualizing exciting experiences can help. At 4:30 pm, MT, the Moon moves into friendly Aquarius. The prospect of sharing an activity or project can transport one away from a downer mood into an upbeat one. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend November 9 and 10 With this Aquarius Moon we may have difficulty being practical. Periods of fantasy-laden imagination can stand in the way of behaving in an orderly fashion. Late tonight the Moon goes void of course until Sunday evening. As she does this, she also enters her first quarter phase when clear action is needed to pursue a socially attractive emotional investment. While seeking to be adept at this, details can be overlooked. Clarity is lacking on Sunday, creating confusion and misunderstanding. On the other hand, Mercury goes direct Sunday afternoon, and sudden insights can arrive. The Moon moves into visionary Pisces at 7:36 pm, MT, Sunday.


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