Sunday, November 17, 2013

Full and Disseminating Moon

Monday November 18 This full Gemini Moon is loaded with pointed remarks about socializing. These offer surprising flashes of self-discovery. Gemini is tireless in searching for self-knowledge and recognizes aspects of self in just about everything. The Gemini in each of us might go on a craze of collecting self-data at this time. Impatience can get in the way and result in going in circles ticking off revelations haphazardly. With a bit of focus Gemini can make a concentrated effort at bringing together all the bits of information coming to light about how one handles the complexities of social interactions. Tuesday November 19 This Gemini Moon wants to circulate everything that is being realized about how we present ourselves in social gatherings. This necessitates seeing the relativity of cultural and generational viewpoints. At 8:59 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she is shaking off intellectually-oriented Gemini, mental focus can become scattered. Thinking and communication lack clarity. Conversations take on an evasive tone. Yet some thoughts, even some spoken, can transport one to a magical place where things are perfectly timed with the right actions. Wednesday November 20 This Cancer Moon seeks an individualistic path away from an automatic behavior of the past. The revelations of this full phase of the Moon have shown how one melds one’s energies into larger public relations, including the problems that one’s habitual methods produce. Rote behavior can be beneficial but often becomes outdated and then destructive. Raw honesty and research can provide a trustworthy direction for pondering a replacement. One might test odd choices to see how their appeal plays out, even those strange impulses which seem a bit crazy. Thursday November 21 At 9:37 am, MT, the Cancer Moon enters her disseminating phase when the revelations of this cycle are fully digested and understood. Now it’s time to demonstrate what has been learned by finding comfortable ways to interact with people markedly different from oneself. While socializing in circumstances with obvious needs, it’s best to go with one’s gut feelings. The Sun moves into the sign of Sagittarius this evening, spotlighting cultural differences which can sometimes challenge relaxing interactions with others. The Moon goes void of course just after midnight, showering off supportive Cancer until tomorrow afternoon. Friday November 22 The Moon is washing off the social bonding of Cancer until late afternoon today. Until then, subtle nuances nudge at us, and our interpersonal connections become porous, leaving us feeling uncertain and somewhat detached. At 4:56 pm, MT, the Moon moves into grandstanding Leo, and camaraderie rises along with strong urges to express oneself to colleagues. Getting wrapped up in the interests of people with very different concerns seems to get easier. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend November 23 and 24 This Leo Moon bears a streak of seriousness regarding peer relationships. Intimations of being restricted in some circles, or at least distracted, stand in the way of keeping open lines of communication. Even participating in a group gathering is thwarted by a psychological need for independence. Early Sunday morning the Moon goes void of course, smothering the enthusiasm of Leo until Monday morning. During this time we may feel unable to hold our own. Connections evade us, and agreements become unclear. It seems that the easiest thing to do is daydream about ideal relationships.


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