Sunday, February 02, 2014

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

Monday February 3 Last night the Moon moved into her crescent phase when one can be magnetically drawn to what has emerged in this cycle and wondering what can be done to firm up a spiritual relationship. New approaches can unexpectedly come to mind. Some inspirational connections may appear too rigid and demanding. The Moon is in Aries, and independent, self-selected ways to commune with spirit are most appealing. Moments of bright ideas and guidance can present themselves in the strangest of places and in the midst of frenetic activity. Impulsive Aries can experiment with this stimulation without hesitation. When it comes to enriching experiences, Aries can be greedy for more. Tuesday February 4 This Aries Moon activates some inner potential, especially if we make certain adjustments, such as shifting an attitude about bothersome restrictions. By comparing and contrasting situations which support an inner balance, we might be able to instinctively adapt a ritual which, for now, stimulates an internal relationship. There’s a sense of promise and with the spontaneity of Aries we might not resist pursuing it. At 4:14 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow. While she is sending off the directness of Aries, we might transcend our personal needs and agenda and retreat into the deep recesses of our minds in search of some inner music. Wednesday February 5 With this Taurus Moon there’s a familiar sense of how nature stimulates and exhilarates us. An early morning walk in a park or trail away from manmade objects can infuse us with new ideas. The earth has a mysterious way of sharing universally, and today it has a magical touch. There is much comfort to be found outdoors. It’s a place to easily access the inner sanctum. Taurus likes peace and quiet and cultivates attractive settings. There’s something in the atmosphere that generates feelings of wanting to get on with things, urging us to make up our minds about a direction to take. Taurus needs stability, and often unconscious impulses influence this sign as to how to firm up things. Thursday February 6 Sensitivity to shortcomings or deficiencies comes with this Taurus Moon. In this cycle they may have to do with how we ignore or don’t trust some inspiring whispers in our minds. At 12:22 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase when we need to commit to a worthwhile course of action which brings our inspirations out into the open. This calls for cleaning out or uncluttering our psyches. One of several ways to do that is to write out everything that is on our minds without censoring or editing anything. This activity is supported by Mercury going retrograde at 2:43 pm, emphasizing an internal focus on how our thoughts flow in the traffic in our minds. Tonight we enter that zone with heightened sensitivity as the Moon begins to void herself of Taurus until late tomorrow morning. Friday February 7 While the Moon is voiding herself of self-indulgent Taurus, one’s sensitivities may be finely tuned into one’s inner muse. At 11:44 am, MT, the Moon moves into searching-for-self-knowledge Gemini. Some of us may be seeking new avenues for understanding the workings our minds. Instincts and thoughts struggle with each other in the process. Issues are raised about how to share the nuances perceived when communing with spirit. There are many emotional components to this. Experimenting with various interpretations and contexts can produce incisive observations. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend February 8 and 9 The Gemini Moon brings a fascination with whatever has been consuming our attention. By seeking a deep emotional union with what might be an obsession, we may be able to tease out an appreciation of what is most supportive of our best interests. On Sunday morning insights come into how rigidity keeps us from yielding to the best guidance. There can be dazzling clarity about shifts and approaches to take. At 2:08 am, MT, on Sunday, the Moon goes void of course until late tonight. While she is fanning off the chatter of Gemini, our thoughts can be visionary and idealistic if we don’t try to mask them in rationalizations. A Gemini voiding Moon learns through imagination and intuition.


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