Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday January 13 The Gemini Moon is void of course until late this afternoon. While she is fanning off the rationalizations of Gemini, unpredictability reigns. It’s hard to get a clear picture of what‘s happening. Minds keep changing, and some seem to be mimicking others. A part of us wants to get a lot done. Yet as the day wanes, there’s little to show for what seemed to be hyper-activity. At 5:25 pm, MT, the Moon moves into “cultivating wholeness” Cancer, and what seemed like having a brain full of fog, suddenly disappears, replaced by a deep sensitivity. Basic needs get attention with a dramatic flair. The Cancer in us can produce sweet comfort which spills over from one setting to another. Tuesday January 14 With this Cancer Moon the day seems to be full of potential, and it is highly beneficial to take on some new experience, even if it’s doing something familiar in an entirely novel way. We just might have miraculous results which offer deep insight into hidden talents or resources. Cancer usually accepts existing routines or traditions, especially those that reinforce security. Our responses to stepping out of our comfort zone are indications of how much we resist or welcome change. The sign of Cancer is the Moon’s sign, and she reminds that part of us to flow with the rhythms of change just as her shape and environment shift every day. We can make big things happen in our personal lives today. Wednesday January 15 Early this morning the Cancer Moon brings on a massive dose of vulnerability. We might find protection by pushing forward, seemingly unarmored, to shift a perspective on manifesting our hopes. Showing up is important, and being prepared helps. We may be keenly aware of some internal stirrings. The rivers within us are rising to greet the full Moon tonight at 9:52 pm, MT. This full phase brings revelations about how truly, or not, attractive some good arrangement is. Have we developed it the way we thought we were, or is it lacking something? Is there the lightness of joy in our hearts over it, or is there the heaviness of disappointment or failure? A full Moon can give us the real lowdown on a situation. Thursday January 16 The full Moon moves into grandstanding Leo at 6:00 am, MT. Even though Leo loves an audience, there may be some social stiffness this morning unless we can conjure us in our imaginations an ideal scenario. There’s a thirst for excitement today. We can hear it in conversation, in the media, and in the buzzing in our ears. Words trip over themselves, moving rapidly from one topic to another. Throughout the day images are coalescing in our minds of how these revolutionary and evolutionary times are transforming our ideas of what constitutes an ideal setting or arrangement. Leo has a magical way of discovering things anew and recognizing what is different. Friday January 17 With this Leo Moon we can squarely face the truth about a habit we use to cultivate a refined situation. Dawning realizations point to what no longer works and what might. The light flashes on transitions which might be risky. The Leo part of us, however, might lack proper insight into this aspect of ourselves. It may be best to rely on feedback from a trusted person before setting one’s mind on a specific course. Our Leo can wholeheartedly confide in and take the advice of those admired. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend January 18 and 19 The Leo Moon is void of course until this evening. While she is quenching off the colorful displays of Leo, we may be easily swayed by anyone or anything that’s entertaining. At 6:23 pm, MT, the Moon moves into discriminating Virgo, and it’s easier to discern the differences between being told the truth and being bamboozled. On Sunday we can begin to put realizations from this Moon cycle into a new context by following intuition. There is, however, a caveat not to jump to conclusion but to remain open-minded. At 8:51 pm, the Sun moves into forward-moving Aquarius, drawing attention to other approaches for improving behavior. The Virgo Moon says a bit of caution and critiquing is best.


At 1:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great as ever. I hope the fountain from which filter this "water" never ceases to flow. One.

At 1:33 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Great as ever. I hope the fountain from which filter this "water" never ceases to flow. One.


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