Sunday, October 19, 2014

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday October 20 This Virgo Moon brings some important details about hidden things in our minds that can work the magic of having the perfect day. Busy brains can get tasks done with the mindfulness of the Buddhist way with enough time to ponder visions of what’s to come after daily chores. To interpret hunches of what’s to come, we’ll need to pursue intuition or some attractive images which come to mind. At 9:30 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she’s sweeping off the scrutinizing mind of Virgo, psychic communication can occupy our thoughts or our dreams. The questioning Virgo in each of us may receive all sorts of answers to life’s puzzling unknowns. Tuesday October 21 With this Libra Moon come delicate feelings of wanting to share the spiritual insights of the past month. Social exchanges seem like transmissions of higher information. Libra has strong sensibilities and can be easily disappointed and affronted. If necessary this sign can oppose and deny a place to what is wrong. But there is a side of Libra which strives to reconcile and resolve differences. The Libra in us can be a peacemaker or, at least, a mediator. The worst case scenario for Libra is a social snob. Today, it’s best to charm and tease this part of us out of any confusion in decision making, especially if it has to do with letting go of something or planning for the future. Wednesday October 22 This Libra Moon brings a sense of interdependence and how complete freedom only exists momentarily in the awareness of everything and everyone sharing the same air on the planet Earth. Our automatic thought processes today remind us of our limitations. What seems to be unending on this last day before a new Moon is the steady flow of creative interpretations of the human condition. New emotional options come to mind. We may re-evaluate how we participate in social tasks and movements and anticipate some major changes during this eclipse season. The air zodiac signs, such as Libra, are observant of others and often, when such a sign is emphasize, there are responses to others’ needs. Thursday October 23 The Libra Moon is void of course until mid-afternoon. While she is fanning off the high standards of this sign, our inner vision may be noticing subtleties of seemingly common human motivations. At 3:10 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the reserved interest in the state of humanity of Scorpio. And a partial solar eclipse is visible in Santa Fe beginning at 3:47 and ending at 5:47 pm. The new Moon and soul year begins at 3:57 pm, with a theme of broadening our experience of the collective values which truly motivate people. Examining the seemingly unending battles of values which play out in the political scene can help tease out those values that rise to the surface for most, if not all of us, like life and happiness. Friday October 24 With this Scorpio Moon examples of social complexities accumulate, showing the depths of common values. With open mindedness we can gather ways of integrating our personal ideals with those of differing preferences. Being alert to subtle forces can provide ways to including a new or different factor into our perception of collective concerns. Deeper implications of universal truths shared through centuries can seep into our consciousness, and revisiting them throughout the weeks ahead as they steep there like tea, can broaden the boundaries of our awareness. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend October 25 and 26 Saturday we have a void of course Scorpio Moon from 10:11 am to 10:40 pm, MT. During this time there can be creative collaboration based on inspirations. The Moon moves into the single-minded intent of Sagittarius. On Sunday our inner eyes can see the enduring value of social engagement and how it brings out the best in us, how it makes us whole. Loyalty is an issue for Sagittarius. There are strong ties of dependence, like those in a family. Yet there is a fierce desire for freedom and independence as well. Cultural and historical factors often are the binding glue for this Sagittarius part of us. An abrupt inclusion of something new might provide an avenue of liberation while still belonging.


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