Sunday, August 10, 2014

Full and Disseminating Moon

Monday August 11 At 6:55 am, MT, the Moon moves into reclusive Pisces. With this sign, there can be increased receptivity to psychic input. We might feel the spiritual aspects of cultural influences and how they can be the matrix through which we claim our true essence. We can awaken to a different reality and see through faddish illusions. Such a state of being can lead to a lofty head-space with joyous emotions and a desire to share these feelings. This Pisces Moon can also bring revelations about how we make an exhibition of ourselves, compulsively over-reacting to any kind of stimuli. How many cultural keepsakes have been accumulated, attesting to a lack of resistance in this matter? Tuesday August 12 With this Pisces Moon we can feel an underlying sense of unity with others regardless of how many cultural acknowledgements we’ve received for any adeptness. At 10:01 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she is rinsing off easily-captivated Pisces, we might want to be careful about being drawn into requests which detract from how we would really like to spend our time and energy. This is a good time to let go of inhibitions to say no and go one’s separate way. Spiritual sensitivity is heightened during a voiding Moon which can deepen one’s heart resolve to pursue a specific path. Wednesday August 13 At 7:00 am, MT, the Moon leaves mesmerizing Pisces and moves into self-possessed Aries. On this last day of the Moon’s full phase some illusions about our cultural awards can be punctured by this Aries Moon bearing easily infectious contradictions. At 5:06 pm, the Moon enters her disseminating phase when perceptual shifts can occur if we awaken to simple truths about cultural trends, especially those with shallow roots. There’s friction about this that can be relieved through sharing recent insights on the matter. Confidence in one’s intuition can be strong, and the Aries Moon provides the urge to act. We can benefit from this combination today. Thursday August 14 This Aries Moon brings eccentricity and inconsistencies in the morning. Trends have little meaning. There’s an attitude of “been there”, ‘done that.” All that seems desirable is the essential meaning of activities. Such insights can set boundaries and can help one find a personal rhythm for the day. Everything else is best eliminated. We can celebrate the core of our being by having the courage to build a personal identity created by our inner fire and truth, devoid of fads and trophies. Aries is straightforward, bold, and has nothing to hide. This part of us can be honest and trusted to move forward toward greater integrity in social interactions. Friday August 15 With this Aries Moon we can distinguish ourselves with direct, open communication. At 9:50 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for eight exhausting minutes of smothering the get-up-and-go of Aries. At 9:58 am, the Moon moves into the grounding energy of Taurus. Our thoughts may be saturated with many of the dramatic ventures we risked doing for the adulation of others. By drawing from inner resources, we can study the cultural patterns of our personalities and bring light to previously hidden aspects. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 16 and 17 With Saturday’s Taurus Moon there’s an inner drama of struggle to bring personal values together. This can provide a measure of our emotional states and the space they inhabit within our bodies and minds. On Sunday morning at 6:26, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase when the meaning of this lunation becomes clear and kicks us into the basics of what we’re really seeking. Our minds may wrestle with some stubborn realities, but our hearts can lead us to a better life. At the beginning of this last quarter phase, the Moon goes void of course until mid-afternoon. Impractically may rule most of the day, but personal confidence and well-being prevail. At 4:41 pm, the Moon moves into the circulating energies of Gemini.


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