Sunday, October 05, 2014

Full and Disseminating Moon

Monday October 6 With this Pisces Moon inspirations pour in as spontaneously as a marching band doing special moves in unison to spell out a message to one’s higher self. Being in a lofty space offers many perspectives, including how involved one is in collective endeavors and responsibilities. At 1:38 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she’s rinsing off the other-worldly vibes of Pisces, we may feel encapsulated in a make-believe world in which spells are common place. There’s a strong flow of emotions with Pisces in such a state. Feelings can trigger motivation to follow whatever or whomever has strong appeal. Tuesday October 7 The Aries Moon craves action. The best kind for this day before a lunar eclipse is brain exercise, such as thinking about what has been building up internally and what does that suggest is coming with this full Moon. We can get a sense today of how we let something new into our lives and whether or not we weave an old way with a novel one or completely deviate from our normal. The spiritual behavior which has been developing in this lunation can be supported by the guidance of others. A shift can help us see and follow the patterns which seem to produce a spiraling evolution in living as a spiritual being. Tomorrow morning during the four and five o’clock hours, MT, we can view the lunar eclipse in the western sky. Wednesday October 8 At 4: 51 am, MT, the Aries full Moon was eclipsed by the Earth. During this full phase of the Moon, habits some of us would rather not see clearly will poke at our awareness, pointing out ways in which we do not use inspirations to create a new reality. If we’ve been missing their significance, the jabbing at our consciousness will get sharper. Emerging new life comes from dark places. And obstacles to it are often hidden in shadows. A beginning is linked to an ending. A balance needs to be found by experimenting with options provided by high-level guidance. The Moon goes void of course at 8:20 am, until tomorrow morning. During this time confusion about what to do can prevail, as well as, truthful inspirations. Thursday October 9 The Moon moves into self-sufficient Taurus at 5:44 am, MT. Insights into ideals are available. Feelings of special support from one’s higher faculties help to get over obstacles to acting on inspirations. Profound inclinations can lead to considering the value of an emotional investment. Taurus can be cautious yet trustworthy. If the Taurus in you never steps out of line, today may be the day to be disobedient and follow an attraction. The Moon in Taurus can be well equipped to handle awkward fumbling or vulnerability. Taurus can magnetically draw on what is needed in a situation. Relying on psychic input can be one of Taurus’s redeeming factors. Friday October 10 The Taurus Moon has a knack for caring about what is precious. This skill can be exhibited when one is moved to clean out one’s psychic space and question the value of some behavior. In doing this, hidden obstacles to following creative impulses can be uncovered and removed. Taurus has the stamina to attune oneself to this task. At 6:49 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she is sweeping off the natural inclinations of Taurus, we can make an attitude adjustment about our inner resources. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend October 11 and 12 The Moon moved into informative Gemini this morning, digging beneath the surface for some spiritual insights. Attunement to the life force of that ethereal level happens in our inner planes. At 4:10 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, when recognition of those lofty hidden resonances lights up our awareness. It’s time to evoke the source of our higher faculties and anticipate the arrival of this divine treasure. On Sunday knowledge of a spiritual interpretation of reality may come to us. Such information can help us turn around the way we translate hunches, intuition or other kinds of intimations from unknown sources.


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