Sunday, August 03, 2014

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

Monday August 4 This Scorpio Moon offers a measure of how little or much we rely on others emotionally. Situations can arise this morning that can indicate how we are influenced by other people’s emotional celebration of accomplishments. At 11:43 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. While she is draining off the covert practices of Scorpio, we might consider exposing some hidden feelings, if only to dissipate their energy. It can be an opportune time to let go of some overburdening ego issues. During this time inspiration can suddenly appear, like rain from a single cloud dropping refreshment. To catch it, one might need to be in a reflective mode regarding intrusions or distractions. Tuesday August 5 The Moon moved into open-minded Sagittarius early this morning, and there’s the possibility of seeing the extremes we’re willing to take to acquire cultural status symbols. Some of this might be worthwhile for character-building and for modeling ideals. During the day there are reminders of deep lessons from life events, some not to repeat and others promising a way to succeed. Issues around uncertainty or self-forgetting call for courage this afternoon. A protective, almost playful ambiance fills the rest of the day. This supports verbalizing one’s needs and analyzing one’s own truths apart from cultural ones. Wednesday August 6 With this Sagittarius Moon our minds may be alert to the power of suggestions as we encounter differing cultural appraisals of accomplishments. At 8:52 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning, enriching one’s fantasy life. This can be an ideal time for inner contentment. The Sagittarius in us is quite comfortable residing within the mind, closed off from the outer world. Of course, lots of things can go unnoticed and cause some upset. The parts of us which need to interact with reality can be overwhelmed with the expectations of the day. By keeping an eye on the bright side of situations and making wise choices in exchanges, we can avoid nasty entanglements. Thursday August 7 With this void of course Sagittarius Moon, the early morning hours are ideal for exploring the depths of one’s spiritual life. At 7:36 am, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase when it’s best to stay focused on priorities. In this cycle they call for a complete review of one’s behaviors in cultural ceremonial celebrations. Two minutes later, at 7:38 am, the Moon moves into Capricorn’s collective pressures to do the right thing. Opportunities to build character take shape. Feelings of inadequacy make it difficult to know where to begin. It helps to assume one is in control and to make use of major principles one has used to survive tough situations. Friday August 8 With this Capricorn Moon our inner spiritual life is brightened up, beckoning us to re-align our feelings with our outer reality. By paying attention to our needs while participating socially, we can get a sense of what we really want from our cultural peers. Thoughts on this move quickly through our minds. Up close observations offer a new perspective on our involvement with others. Ideas about cultural trophies, whose time has come, form deep impressions in our thinking. We might end up considering only one right way to prove our skills. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 9 and 10 The Moon moved into prescient Aquarius early this morning. Many cultural changes parade through our minds today. We get an overview of how we’ve kept up with current status symbols and how we’ve eliminated flawed ones, perhaps politically incorrect ones. On Sunday morning humanitarian or charitable efforts trigger self-realizations about independence needs. At 12:09 pm, MT, Sunday, the Moon is at her fullest, providing revelations about how we rise to extremely pressing social demands. Do we keep our cool or loose self-control? Do we behave according to our peers’ expectations? The Moon goes void of course at 4:12 pm, blowing off self-observant Aquarius until Monday morning, along with some self-illusions.


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