Sunday, November 02, 2014

Gibbous and Full Moon

Monday November 3 The Pisces Moon entered her gibbous phase at 5:10 am, MT, while she is voiding the hyper-sensitivity of Pisces. It’s a good morning to be reclusive and reflect on what clarity and focus is needed to bring about a worthwhile creative way to journey through the day with a greater view of the world. With a void of course moon at the beginning of the gibbous phase, it’s easy to ignore one’s potential and get off-track. At 11:53 am, the Moon moves into the instinctively bold exploratory realm of Aries. We may feel empowered to venture into dangerous territory or to take on sneaky, manipulative persons. We might shift between being a pioneer or a warrior with invisible armor. Tuesday November 4 With this Aries Moon instincts can lead us on a path to deeper caverns of our psyches. Long buried strife can loom up in a shadowy form being shaped by recent observations, suggesting that we test various adjustments to find an optimal outcome. A new or different factor, something beyond the expected, may bring surprising results! Playful restructuring of ideals, including relationships, can help. This can be an extremely productive day full of enthusiasm with glimpses of evolving possibilities and changing circumstances. Aries emphasizes one’s personal options regarding responses to the environment and what others do. Some of those could have to do with what and whom to eliminate from our daily engagements. Wednesday November 5 The Aries Moon goes void of course at 6:26 am, MT, for eight hours of stifling the Aries’ need to experience exploration. During this time exhaustion might set in, weakening the will to move about. We may feel a bit stuck yet linked to other realms which change the way we look at things. AT 2:33 pm, the Moon moves into sure-footed Taurus, and the magic of the world and its inhabitants radiate a solid reality. Some of us, however, may long for something beyond the merely natural and welcome strange intrusions. Taurus is a very fertile sign which symbolizes the prosperity and abundance of the earth. Giving and getting are fostered by this sign. Thursday November 6 With this Taurus Moon our bodies can feel both the heaviness of the worst the world has to offer and the lightness of hope when witnessing a miraculous fulfillment of needs. At 3:23 pm, MT, we have a full Moon. Following it through the rest of the week, we can be engrossed in outer sensations of gratification over the discoveries of how confidence and determination pay off when we closely observe the human condition. Hidden contents of our psyches get aired out along with perceptions of others if we don’t let any difficulty with sharing stand in the way. Getting past emotional obstacles can provide all sorts of messages about how we personally fit into the larger sense of humanity. Friday November 7 The Taurus Moon reflects the ability to know what really matters when observing the patterns of behavior which define us. At 9:17 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, scraping off precious remnants of natural ways which satisfy this sign for over eight hours. During this time we may be susceptible to illusory cravings. Being realistic is a struggle. At 6:45 pm, the Moon moves into fluctuating Gemini, and we still might not be able to be practical about what we think of doing. Gemini presents us with many exhilarating options. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend November 8 and 9 The Gemini Moon reflects on synchronous connections with people who think alike. There can be the delightful excitement of being with people like you. But can such a group truly solve divisiveness being experienced with people of clashing opinions? There are many trials in conversing with those of differing mindsets, which require determination and skill to remain together. On Sunday at 9:22 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. While she’s shaking off the many interests of Gemini, we may want to stick with essentials. Logic and boundaries seem to disappear when Gemini is being blown off. Thoughts and exchanges can be vague and incomplete.


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