Sunday, June 21, 2015

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

Monday June 22 With this Virgo Moon an internal dialogue with one’s essential self can provide a portrait of a personal archetypal expression. Talking to parts of oneself as if they are separate entities can be self-revelatory. Intuition is highly active today and may encourage some of us to engage in novel ways which appear to be foolish. The results, however, can be astonishingly impactful with self-discoveries. These may be traits to cultivate as part of an evolving, unfolding self. Virgo thinks about what shows up. By scrutinizing and analyzing what is seen, differences and distinctions become apparent. The Virgo in us can extract the best possibilities for development. Tuesday June 23 This Virgo Moon brings moodiness and defensiveness. Urges to focus on the structure of some long-standing behavioral pattern can become depressing, but if not attended, can leave one stuck. While comparing and evaluating some personal habits, Virgo’s picky tendencies may come to use. Today, however, details may overwhelm us and have us redoing things over and over to the point of giving up prematurely. It’s difficult to make sense of things as rationality gets masked by conflicting and confusing images. The energy behind activity today will come unevenly in spurts. Late tonight the Moon slips out of fussy Virgo and into deliberating Libra. Wednesday June 24 The Libra Moon entered her first quarter phase at 5:02 am, MT. This action oriented time brings feelings of starting over again. Images of archetypal behavior patterns, like that of a keen, assertive merchant or of a know-it-all, need to give way to a new habit. But what that behavior looks like isn’t clear and must be explored. Consider the people encountered today as bearer’s of ideal qualities worth pursuing. The planet Mars enters Cancer this morning, directing the full force of one’s feeling nature into probing one’s psychological makeup for the right buttons to push. Our minds can burst forth hidden nuggets which point out shortcomings or oppressive attitudes. It’s time to release or exchange them. Thursday June 25 With this Libra Moon there are lessons about the cause and effect of behavioral patterns. They demonstrate mutual consequences of social activity. Fooling around haphazardly can impact the balance personal and group space. Libra reminds us of social etiquette and agreed upon rules which support peaceful interactions. When we leave our homes, we encounter these expectations and, for the most part, take them for granted. At 5:22 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until almost noon tomorrow. While she is gently blowing off Libra’s bonds of mutual sustenance, it is ideal for us to relax and enjoy an artistic pursuit, like reading a book. Friday June 26 The Libra Moon is void of course most of this morning. It’s best to go gently and quietly through typical daily rituals. At 11:57 am, MT, the Moon moves into doggedly persistent Scorpio. We can easily recognize fundamental changes in conditions and are charged by unseen forces. There’s natural support for improving a situation. Scorpio chips away at the surface of an issue and burrows deeply into it to understand it from the inside out. Scorpio is well-versed in altering conditions and the power which comes from change. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend June 27 Social ties are strong today as the Scorpio Moon builds better associations with those in need. Scorpio penetrates beyond the surface and symptoms to the root of a problem and works to resolve it. Attention is given to creating an ideal result. On Sunday at 5:25 am, MT, the Moon enters her gibbous phase. It’s time to attune to the essential pattern of behavior which establishes trust in our lives. We need to stay focused on that through the use of our imagination and through stirring up the deep emotional participation engaged when trust is active. Entrapment or betrayal may show up today, triggering fear and testing our trust.


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