Sunday, August 02, 2015

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

Monday August 3 The Pisces Moon enters her disseminating phase at 10:55 am, when one is urged to demonstrate what has been learned in this cycle about how one deals with some human condition. There can be an emotional realization of how to get around unspoken social rules. Such knowledge can assist in fulfilling longings for a different social scene. Dramatic feelings can appear and be indicators of what has been and what can be accomplished unless one gets stuck in the status quo. At 2:35 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost three hours of washing off ideal-oriented Pisces. At 5:24 pm, the Moon moves into straightforward Aries, and this evening we might interaction with adventurous companions from the past. Tuesday August 4 This Aries Moon is versatile at easily making adjustments when encountering tense situations and at changing the focus when not wanting to repeat past turmoil. We may feel pressed to include more complex factors in our social exchanges and go beyond the usual cultural rituals. There are huge longings to make connections today to love and be loved and be cared for. Some of these urges are based on memories of past experiences. Spirits run high with a sense of luck and encouragement. Strangely enough we may find ourselves jumping into some unusual activity to attract a confrontation. Wednesday August 5 With this Aries Moon how to spread hope for humanity is a ripe mental activity. While weighing one’s power to influence others, however, there may be a chorus of subconscious voices struggling for notice. There’s an increased realization of the status of one’s relationships and a need to do something about it. This is sparked by a strong yearning for harmony. Aries, however, is primarily focused on pleasing self, not necessarily others. The Aries in us needs to see a new experience in exchanges with others by following deep intuitions about a more universal order. Such a pursuit can lead to mythic discoveries. The Moon goes void of course at 5:29 pm, MT, for two hours of burning off Aries’ insatiable drive before moving into reliable Taurus. Thursday August 6 The Taurus Moon offers opportunities to release idealized pictures of relationships to get attuned to them realistically. There’s a tendency today to focus on social difficulties with a need to bring people together, but Taurus wants to avoid hassles. This sign can be meticulously task-oriented and think there is only one way to handle encounters today. Vulnerability creeps up when there’s any clash of opinions or power play. At 8:03 pm, MT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase when the personal value and meaning of this cycle about human conditions becomes clear. What arrives in one’s awareness will demand a determination to get others caught up in one’s feelings. Friday August 7 With this last quarter Taurus Moon comes a sense of re-awakening to the multitude of potentials in social interactions. Just thinking about this can produce some big ideas and grand designs. We can discipline ourselves to work things out, knowing the limitations. Taurean self-esteem can be boosted by putting oneself on the line in familiar groups. It may be best to develop a new behavior which accents one’s personal style and makes it special and important while engaging socially. The Moon leaves stylistic Taurus for chatty Gemini late tonight. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend August 8 and 9 With this Gemini Moon we can take on a project mentally and spiritually and turn things around. The planet Mars enters the sign of Leo at 5:33 pm, MT, stimulating vivacious activity and reinforcing one’s individuality to consciously change behavior. On Sunday the versatility and diversity of Gemini offers all sorts of possibilities. Emotions are energized to get into an original phase of activity, making it easy to leave behind certain social settings and behaviors. With Gemini, branching out can bring about new syntheses or combinations of ideas. Gemini can be unstoppable in re-organizing the social order in ways that foster co-operation on equal terms.


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