Sunday, November 08, 2015

New and Crescent Moon

Monday November 9 The Libra Moon is void of course until tonight. While she is dancing out of the peaceful winds of Libra, every nuance in one’s surroundings changes the beat and rhythm of our pace to the point of overwhelm. If we think of ourselves as simply an observer and of every shift in activity as a gateway to a broadened perspective, we just might manifest what we want today and overcome being a victim of circumstances. The Libra in us can notice everything that is needed to have a perfect day and decide what to do for the desired outcome. That might involve compromises. Reactions can be met with counteracts which have meaning and value. The Moon moves into the inner strengths of Scorpio at 9:02 pm, MT. Tuesday November 10 This Scorpio Moon brings a rebirth of new outlooks. Profound thoughts slip into our minds, suggesting the possibility of a different reality. More information might be desired, but if we’re adventurous, any investigation will eventually reveal something innovative. All we need to do is jump into it, and if we like what we’re discovering, keep repeating the experience. As long as we believe in a productive behavior, its influences on us can be positive. They might be as basic as just seeing things for what they really are. Our natural senses are extremely reliable today, especially if we get creative with them. Wednesday November 11 The Scorpio Moon is a natural observer of human behavior and suggests that what’s really important about a person is the ability to see from the inside out. At 10:47 am, MT, we have a new Scorpio Moon when impulses emerge with a novel insight about how we tap into guidance from the inner self. Are you someone who truly makes the effort to discover what is deep inside? Are you awake of signals from within beckoning you to explore them? Have you explored any of the incredible things hidden within? There are inner triggers alerting us about moral choices and offering guidance. This new lunation is about evoking the spirit within for advice. Thursday November 12 The day starts with a Scorpio Moon focusing on hidden traits. At 7:54 am, MT, the Moon voids herself of investigative Scorpio for 20 minutes and then moves into the expansionary vibes of Sagittarius. We may feel great freedom in exploring our connections to an inner world, as well as sharing such experiences with like-minded individuals. There can be ultra-sensitivity to the subconscious realms today with acute insight into what other people are up to. But, what’s most important is to notice one’s own psychological processes, noticing how we combine intuition with rational thought to arrive at a comprehensive view of something. Friday November 13 With this Sagittarius Moon feelings may be erratic, up and down, and hard to level out. An overriding issue is the need to leave some problem area and search for a better condition. Organizing options may be easy, as well as seeing things in ideal terms for social interactions. Our minds are alert and environmentally sensitive. But there’s a concern for security and protection that might prevent us from listening to the wisdom of inner guidance. At 8:18 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course for almost twenty-four hours of putting out Sagittarius’ zeal. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend November 14 and 15 The Sagittarius Moon is void of course until this evening. While she is hosing off the enthusiasm of Sagittarius, we may have a great longing for truth and embrace as much as possible. There’s a need to believe in something. It’s best to trust intuitions. At 5:21 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the stark honesty of Capricorn. It’s a struggle tonight not to get sucked into someone else’s agenda. Sunday at 8:05 am, the Moon enters her crescent phase when we need to put persistent effort into developing our contact with our inner spiritual guidance, which can result in a fundamental change in our being. Sunday may be about digging deeper into spiritual foundations.


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