Sunday, September 06, 2015

Balsamic and New Moon

Monday September 7 With this Cancer Moon it’s best to let feelings trump thoughts. They can point out something primary about personal needs while thinking can come up with the best ways to bring about satisfaction and fulfillment. Obsessions over past behavior, however, can stand in the way. By flowing into them and going with one’s gut feelings, it’s possible to experience how they’re structured and how they’ve developed over time. This can provide an assessment of a past habit, including a design for improvements on it. It’s possible to release restrictions from the past and cultivate a new and uniquely charming attitude or behavior. Tuesday September 8 This Cancer Moon may be in the middle of a public display of eccentricity today. Unpredictable rebelliousness or exceptional attitudes of being above the rules or laws make for uneasiness. The Cancer in us finds it hard to relax when it doesn’t know everything even the unpleasant stuff, no matter how much it hurts. This agitation can even spill into gatherings of people closely bonded. Maintaining a cool attitude along with common sense can hold things together and restore some peace and order. The Moon voids herself of feeling-driven Cancer at 7:28 pm, MT, for an hour and at 8:36 pm, moves into the intuitive guidance of Leo. Wednesday September 9 The Leo Moon entered her balsamic phase late last night. It’s time to transcend present daily situations, especially those that seem like a social pressure cooker. We can do this by turning to the future with a vision of being able to effectively release tensions. There are important choices to make today regarding the past which impact the weeks to come. What may seem like relief is gaining access to a pleasant social scene. Yet provocative questions threaten the harmony of the group and address certain cultural assumptions. By letting conversations unfold, even amidst some unsettling exchanges, we can eventually find common ground. It may seem like most have joined in, but some may hold back. Thursday September 10 This future-oriented balsamic Leo Moon has a need for taking part in something big that has public attention. One thing that can be learned in such circumstances is just how comfortable one is in just being oneself no matter what others think. Simple truths can be on stage. It’s as if you’re on your own there. Fortunately the Leo part of us wants to give to those who’ll listen, and Leo has plenty of gifts to offer. An impression will definitely be made, and a deeper level of engagement might be lit up. Leo can be extremely open and extravagant, enjoying the pleasures given and returning them. Leo thrives on interdependence. Friday September 11 The Leo Moon goes void of course at 7:03 am, MT, for almost an hour of stomping out Leo’s generosity. At 7:56 am, she moves into the refined senses of Virgo. Social awareness is magnified by Virgo. We can be intrigued by the magic that happens when people are in sync. Yet today there is also a dark veil clouding interpersonal relationships. Some levels of interaction are clear, but others beckon us into the shadows where Virgo can encounter an “other-worldliness” where many transactions take place. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend September 12 and 13 The Virgo Moon relies on knowledge and people and routines. The Virgo part of us needs a combination of these three to operate effectively. Tonight at 12:41 am, MT, we have a solar eclipse beginning a Moon cycle and a soul year which focuses on the connections we have with others based on common skills and know-how. On Sunday, notice how teamwork comes up. Are there harmonious interactions or scrappy exchanges? Is it a hassle to get a group to address a common problem or issue? Is competition getting in the way of fairness? What prevents or limits total cooperation? It may take a while to get the answers to these questions.


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