Sunday, August 30, 2015

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

Monday August 31 With the Moon in Aries, we might get reactive to well-intentioned advice from others, especially if we are striving to overcome inertia regarding a personal message from someone regarded as a teacher. If we have a vision and an awareness of evolving and even surpassing certain experiences, we may recognize in some strange way certain advancements made. Self-expression is very important today. Acting out can get others caught up in sharing feelings. Emotional passions are intense today as we head towards the second coming together this year of Venus and Mars tonight. Generosity can prevail with a willingness on everyone’s part to participate. Tuesday September 1 The day starts with an Aries Moon and explosive ripples of attention-gathering, but mid-morning it feels as if that energy is going nowhere. At 10:37 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. While she is snuffing out Aries’ impulses to act, urges to perform feel insignificant. Uncertainty prevails, and people’s vulnerable places get triggered. At 5:31 pm, MT, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, when we may uncover how we avoid heeding certain messages. Or we may notice how we celebrate the information that comes to us. Our internal dialogues can be clues as to how relationships reveal what we know in our hearts to be true. The inner and outer implications of information exchanged are revealed. Wednesday September 2 The Moon is in materialistic and pragmatic Taurus. Today we can gather useful information blooming in our consciousness that will help us let go of repetitive, dead-end behaviors. Our senses can be finely tuned to evaluate personal messages and celebrate the beauty they reveal. There can also be a tendency to reciprocate in a form of honoring. There’s great sensitivity to communal bonds, giving constant attention to the needs of a group, and at the same time pleasing oneself as well as others. We can tap into a self-assured confidence through following the familiar patterns of social engagement. Thursday September 3 This Taurus moon brings impulses to seize the right moment to get others caught up in one’s feelings. This can be like a stage production. Role playing can be a way of strutting one’s stuff, as well as an outlet for one’s emotions which may feel pent up today. Reliable Taurus may remind us that there are obligations to fulfill. Some seriousness is in order. Taurus can be down to earth and serious. Sometimes the importance of a situation can be over-inflated. And then Taurus can get bossy and expect to be obeyed. This sign can be easily content when what is worthwhile is pointed out, and things are put in context. Friday September 4 The Moon moves into the skillful persistence of Gemini at 5:48 am, MT. This sign is knowledgeable and learns a lot from practically any environment, but one where the fun is happening is preferable. Being open-hearted and expressing feelings can create such a scene. A little imagination can open doors to a greater self-understanding and help meet the challenges of the day. Inspiration can get us through some rough situations if we surrender calmly to the bumps in the road. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute. Weekend September 5 and 6 The Gemini Moon entered her last quarter phase early this morning. This is when we are urged onto a different direction based on a feeling of necessity triggered by the realization of a simple truth revealed over the past week. We need to display an excellence in an appropriate behavior. The mobile and quick Gemini part of us can cultivate something special in surprising ways. Our social connections can provide a depth of understanding of this uniqueness. The Moon goes void of course at 5:04 pm, MT, until late tomorrow morning. It can get spacey. During the night, Venus goes direct, heightening a need for company. On Sunday at 11:40 am, the Moon moves into supportive Cancer feeding one’s sense of being special.


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