Sunday, April 17, 2005

Week Leading up to Full Moon

Apr 18 Monday
With a Leo Moon this Monday, we can infuse life into the week by scheduling time for play, first and foremost. There's a strong urge for action, yet it will take some charm, magnetism, or mindset equating work and play to direct attention to serious business. When we are indeed open and enthused with a sense of our authentic spiritual self, everything we do and express is play. We are called to act from a core inner brightness today that can lead us to surpass previous endeavors. Or we can choose not to acknowledge our glow and blend into routine group behavior.

Apr 19 Tuesday
With Tuesday's Virgo Moon we can dig into self analysis. Try doing this by first looking at humankind. What special abilities have we exhibited throughout our history? Yes, we've designed rockets and flown to the Moon, utilizing a certain understanding of our world. To what extent do our great feats stir you personally out of inertia? Does another person's legacy/potency motivate you? Think about how useful the wisdom of other people's experiences are to us and whether or not we can use them to design "the me I want to be."

Apr 20 Wednesday
Wednesday's Virgo Moon enters her gibbous phase at 10:06 am, MDT. This stage is like that point in making your own stew, when all the ingredients are in the pot, but the tasting tells you something more is needed. So in this cycle of nurturing our spiritual identity, we might ask ourselves: are we over or under defined, confined, civilized? What do we need to bridge from where we are to where we want to be? Virgo helps us tune into the nuances of our present condition and environment and can show us how to establish the standard we are seeking.

Apr 21 Thursday
The Moon is void of course in Virgo all of Thursday morning. Let go of the virgoan tendency to reduce the surrounding world to rational simplicity and familiarity. Enter the world of the unfamiliar and allow it to tell you something by simply listening. Dismiss any ego, and surrender to the sprites. Yeah, take a walk on the wild side. At 1:27 pm, MDT, the Moon enters Libra, wafting into a zone of increasing awareness of the essential unity of humankind. Our spiritual self is part of a web of inter-relatedness. And it is part me aned part we.

Apr 22 Friday
Friday's Libra Moon is full of optimism! Generally Libra is concerned with getting it right. Behind that is the feeling that we humans can easily go astray without some code that keeps us directed towards a higher road and from falling when on that road. Well, the Moon reflects on the code book today, and it says that there is no grace unless each of us acknowledges the divine within us and the ability of that dazzling self to know exactly how to navigate through the dynamics of human interaction. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

Apr 23 Saturday
From 10:46 am, MDT, to 8:25 pm this Saturday, the Moon is void of course in Libra. During this period, we may feel that it is possible to be all things to all people. Of course this illusory state may turn out to be disappointing in rational everyday reality, but it can be blissful in other states of consciousness. Sunday's full Moon at 4:06 am is in Scorpio, the sign that takes us into life's mysteries. It's a lunar eclipse visible where it is still dark. Showing how we can live life to the fullest or where and how we fall short of that.


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