Sunday, April 03, 2005

Week of New Moon & Solar Eclipse

Apr 4 Monday
The Moon is in Aquarius, a sign naturally oriented towards the future, a state doubly emphasized with the Moon at the end of her last quarter phase. Aquarius can help us appreciate unfamiliar, alien nuances that might present a transformational opportunity, even if it means redeveloping a comfortable framework. We may encounter critical moments today in which we can enthusiastically participate in life’s strange twists. The Moon goes void of course at 5:32 pm, MDT, for the rest of the evening. Withdraw from outside influences to generate self-knowledge.

Apr 5 Tuesday
We have a Pisces Moon this Tuesday in its balsamic phase, a visionary time for being open to the new. During this phase we may come across novel ideas or situations that jumble up some area of our lives and require us to juggle tasks, time, and or relationships differently to be in a balanced, receptive flow. An immense energy is available to be harnessed and used for pulling together all of one’s forces to surpass one’s self. Deviating from one’s usual habits may seem like creating insane chaos yet may be protective and surprising at the same time.

Apr 6 Wednesday
This last full day of a Pisces Moon starts out with a polarized feeling of being torn between open-mindedness and single-mindedness. Do we face outside circumstances or take care of personal needs? Just attending to whatever shows up may turn into magical connections. This may seem like being in a trance state, waiting for something unknown to enter one’s space, seemingly protected from limitations. The secret life of our inner selves senses the shadowy turmoil that Friday’s eclipse brings as well as the courage to face it for its potential growth opportunities.

Apr 7 Thursday
We have a dark, that is unseen, Aries Moon on this day before the New Moon. Our heads may be fertile fields for all sorts of new impulses to emerge! It may, however, be difficult to leave some arena of our lives behind to mark out new territory. Our hopes are boosted by a feeling of heading for home turf. The future seems to reflect something of the past. We can revision our history and focus on outcomes that fulfill our desires. The difficulty lies in exploring the paths already taken for critical attributes that when changed can make all the difference.

Apr 8 Friday
Friday’s Aries Moon eclipses the Sun five minutes after she becomes the new Moon at 2:32 pm, MDT. She veils our usual consciousness so that we might consider its barrenness if we don’t nourish and spark some primal, life-changing part of us that can potentially reveal our spiritual identity and nature. Generally crises arise synchronously with an eclipse. Don’t be surprised if you encounter some emotionally charged drama. There is no gain in avoiding it. Brave the storm! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow at 11:30 to noon for the weekend Moon Minute. You can also hear us on the worldwide web at

Apr 9 Saturday
At 9:50 am, MDT, Saturday, the new Moon enters Taurus setting up a natural process for exposing what our souls need to cultivate at this time. Taurus longs for pleasure and avoids pain, yet we may sense a desire to find a blind spot or missing piece no matter how strenuous. By focusing on what keeps attracting our attention and gripping us with emotional intensity over this weekend, we might gather enough information to arrive at some definitive notion of how we have or have not been sustaining a symmetrical relationship with the spiritual and physical aspects of our nature.


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