Sunday, January 01, 2006

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

January 2 Monday
This Moonday’s Aquarius Moon offers the mental awareness and stamina to take on any task, especially those that give us a sense of trust and advancement. We have the choice to be a complete world unto our individual selves or to let ourselves be infiltrated by alien ideas that hopefully will not blow us off course, but rather strengthen our trust in an ability to handle even the most bizarre situations. Let today be an experiment in changing the typical current of activities. Look for cultural, spiritual, or even foreign opportunities to be a non-conformist.

January 3 Tuesday
The Moon entered her crescent phase and the sign of Pisces early this morning. It’s time to put a bundle of effort into evaluating levels of self-trust as well as where one is operating on a scale of one to ten when it comes to expressions of sympathetic interconnectedness. How confident and gentle are you with yourself and with others? And how resourceful can you be to concentrate and sustain the use of your talents to nurture an emerging relationship with other dimensions of life awakening internally. Can you do this without hesitation, overwhelm, or exhaustion?

January 4 Wednesday
During the Pisces Moon time this Wednesday, notice how even when you’re alone, you can feel an affinity with others, no matter if they’re comrades, cats, or citizens from another constellation. If you’re having difficulties or feeling isolated, sink into an inner communication mode with other beings: angels, birds, pleiadeans, your personal guru, whomever seems available to you. Your interpretation of whatever information you stir up, of whatever you distill out of the experience, is what matters. There’s a web of connectedness that Pisces exemplifies!

January 5 Thursday
The Pisces Moon is in that homogenous state of being void of course with no definitive boundaries early this morning. It will be easier to jumpstart into activities after the Moon goes into Aries at 7:44 am, MST. But even then there’s a sense of too much risk involved in leaving some familiar pattern behind to grasp the potential destiny this cycle offers. Stretch your faith muscles! Trust that you’re seeing things clearly and take a chance restructuring your fears and doubts into new contexts that offer hope and that support you in developing your capacities.

January 6 Friday
With Friday’s Aries Moon keep to your overall mission with the conviction of your own truth consciousness. At 11:56 am, MST, the Moon enters her first quarter phase saying, “Forget the past, build on the future!” The past tells us what we have and have not done, but doesn’t always help us enjoy the present or the experience of ideals yet to be attained. Where we are now contains a destiny only we can dip into by giving it form if only in our imaginations! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 7 Saturday
The Aries Moon is void of course most of Saturday morning, chasing fantasies or floating in dreamland! At 12:09 pm, MST, she enters Taurus, offering earthly and spiritual advice on how to stand your ground and proceed towards some destined goal. Mid-Sunday a burst of energy urges us to further develop some uncommon inner trust with determination no matter how mucky or emotionally dramatic things get. By Sunday evening any struggles or burdens may prove to have been well worth the efforts, as major shifts become evident.


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