Sunday, January 15, 2006

Disseminating Moon

January 16 Monday
The still full Leo Moon lingers in the morning western sky, grandstanding for recognition. She suggests that as we come to the end of this day, we too can take center stage and be applauded for our modest achievements on this Monday. They may be simple ways of coloring the day with bright smiles of joy and infectious giggles. On a serious side we may clearly articulate a personal conviction and take steps to rejuvenate its presence in our lives. At 5:35 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course till after midnight, making the evening an especially creative, artistic time.

January 17 Tuesday
On this last day of the full phase, the Virgo Moon is far from the earth, responsive to the bigger picture and the needs that stand out in it. Whatever one chooses to attend to, it somehow demonstrates it’s connections to a larger scenario. There’s a keen pervasive thought about how the day’s activities are tied to one’s fate or destiny. This awareness also has a feeling of uniqueness, of being set apart from one’s family or tribe, of how one surpasses familial patterns. A sense of powerlessness or victimization can set in unless one courageously pursues one’s higher purposes that transcend earthly group dynamics.

January 18 Wednesday
The Virgo Moon enters her disseminating phase at 5:50 am, MST. It’s time to demonstrate how what has come to light with last weekend’s full Moon serves you. Do you think you may expand upon how you keep relationships in order and avoid unnecessary entanglements so that trust and responsibility permeate them? If so, what steps are you taking to keep your perspective clear? There’s a pervasive battle of the blahs today. Keep to the big picture of a whole process to avoid getting buried in emotional struggles. Stir up some fun integrating activities and relationships.

January 19 Thursday
If you’re up before dawn with this Virgo Moon, it may serve you well to think about Bob Dylan’s line, quote: Those not busy being born are busy dying. Unquote. This may inspire releasing trivial matters and birthing standards of enduring trust. Emulate the image of what you would like to be! What’s it going to be: a first day or last day scenario? The Moon goes void of course at 3:12 pm, MST, for thirty-seven minutes. Take a break during this often scattered time to collect and refocus yourself. At 3:49 pm, the Moon enters socially-oriented Libra, and this evening the Sun enters humanitarian Aquarius!

January 20 Friday
This Friday’s Libra Moon suggests we withdraw from our usual weekend socializing unless it’s an opportunity to be present in a responsible way that gets to the heart level of things that matter to you. Choose to contain yourself amidst good influences that trigger automatic responses, so that you may project your true self and dispel false impressions. This can be a slippery slope that reveals the naked truth! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 21 Saturday
Saturday’s Libra Moon provides social occasions for exchanging the wisdom of personal experiences. We can easily draw others into and be drawn into a current of events. Alternating modes can stir feelings and give voice to strong alliances. The Moon moves into Scorpio at 3:28 am, MST, Sunday, and into her last quarter phase at 8:14 am. Scorpio views everything that has been done and says we can improve on this, and the way to do that may be to begin anew. Can we turn our attention away from what has been, uproot the past, get around it, and with strength forge into new territory?


At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope my luck is good


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