Sunday, February 12, 2006

Full & Disseminating Moon

February 13 Monday
The Leo Moon is void of course in the early morning hours, reminding us of hidden resources, such as strength, that we can draw upon. At 9:13 am, MST, the Moon enters Virgo, pinpointing some of our innate skills, and with simplicity unraveling any complicated web we’ve made of approval issues in the past. Virgo can help us fit perfectly into the strange beauty of our uniqueness. We meet ourselves through others yet Virgo helps us shift and elaborate on what we encounter. Step out of prescribed standards, attitudes and values and into those that bring you personal comfort and happiness.

February 14 Tuesday
We have a waning full Moon in Virgo on this Valentine’s Day, good for putting heads together to find a way to make the day materialize into an ideal expression of love. Go wild with your lofty ideas! Select what you desire to shape the day—roses, chocolate, salsa, as in food or dancing! It’s your call to make use of what’s available! And you can do that by your responses to others’ love offerings as well! Strut your stuff and acknowledge the specialness of those who offer their hearts in return. Virgo draws our attention to those exemplary touches of kindness. Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 15 Wednesday
With Wednesday’s Virgo Moon we may find ways to conceal or reveal our rough edges, as well as discover how we discern the right moment to raise questions. Analyze what you’ve allowed yourself to learn about the dynamic of approval-disapproval. Are your results imposed with familiar and assumed outcomes? Or have you ventured into strange territory with no expectations, but only with trust that all that is encountered can lead you to something of use, of beauty. Have you had a specific revelation since Sunday’s full Moon that is glorious and worthy of celebrating?

February 16 Thursday
We have a Libra Moon with which to regard the parallels and differences between our personal views of situations and that of others. If we have not strengthen our inner knowing and have allowed others to know better than we, we may experience distorted connections. The same is true if we have focused on our reputation instead of the inner patterns of our consciousness as it mysteriously reveals connections. By the way, Mercury enters its retrograde or shadow zone today, beginning a five week period of testing our understanding of mysterious matters.

February 17 Friday
The Libra Moon entered her disseminating phase earlier this morning. This is a time for recognizing the value of what has been revealed since Sunday’s full Moon. If your sense of your identity has changed, you may want to find a comfortable way to tune into the rhythm of the new you who may be receiving surprising flashes of intuition. If you’re clinging to outworn behaviors or attitudes, you’re belaboring your life with unnecessary confinement to old ways. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 18 Saturday At 10:11 am, MST, this Saturday, the Moon enters Scorpio, and at 12:25 pm the Sun enters Pisces. With the flow of these two water signs, we can have a greater reality on our side to expand our enjoyment of everyday contacts. Our instincts, however, may be somewhat curtailed by boundaries beyond our control. On Sunday, it may take some effort to get out from under some unpleasant discoveries for some breathing space. Strange intimations on Sunday evening may be coming from our intuitive faculties regarding future situations. These insights may continue through most of Monday with the Moon in a void of course state.


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