Saturday, April 01, 2006

Crescent & First Quarter Moon

April 3 Monday
Monday’s Gemini Moon reminds us to keep gathering data from our intuitional impulses. Don’t allow the inner voices to fade away. Establish a ritual that anchors the experience of communication on the internal planes. It’s like interaction with the telephone; yet can be as simple as touching your heart or your ear. Maybe in the past, you learned a complicated process of tapping into your inner wisdom, and now you can eliminate the non-essential steps. Being consciously connected to Spirit, where all knowing originates, can happen in less than a nano-second!

April 4 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Cancer Moon gathers all the resources necessary to help us get a grasp of how we behave towards our intuition and what patterns we’ve developed when it comes to taking action based on our hunches. Circumstances spring up for us to heroically make a clean break from past conditioning regarding those “out-of-the-blue” insights. Take some visceral feeling today and air it out. Analyze it from a variety of perspectives, and then notice if your inclination is to follow a rational or irrational conclusion, or to integrate thoughts and feelings, no matter how bizarre they may seem.

April 5 Wednesday
The Cancer Moon enters her first quarter phase at 6:00 am, MDT. When faced with the possibility of realizing some distinction, how do you act? Do you decide to jump into the flow of tasks that will manifest what can be yours, or do you maintain the status quo? Now is your chance to shape a process for developing an ideal in practical ways. Take things step by step. Each action can then clarify the next and shed more light on the goal. The Moon goes void of course at 11:19 am until tomorrow morning. Adjust your emotional states so that they emit a sense of joy over what you are pursuing.

April 6 Thursday
Thursday morning’s void of course Cancer Moon pours out information that can refine our approach to self-realizations. This may be revealed by responding to feelings. At 10:25 am, MDT, the Moon enters Leo, reflecting a rise in passion that can either seduce us off course or motivate us to create just what is needed today. This evening the Moon sets new boundaries of awareness having to do with sure-footed expertise and one’s personal courage and strength under fire. Push forward but only till you sense an energy shift that calls for rest.

April 7 Friday
The Leo Moon faithfully pursues developing some creative impulse. With a few adjustments we can free ourselves of the relics of useless habits. Then the next step of what to gather or piece together will be unquestionable. What was a brief glimpse of what can be possible may start to take on a clearly defined wide angle view of a future that offers colorfully rich renewal. This can propel us forward with high spirits that spread and grow! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MDT for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 8 Saturday Saturday’s Leo Moon is playing with the bigger picture that comes with revelations and promptings of spirit. By expressing what we perceive to be taking shape regarding our personal identity, we may draw together dawning realizations of our potential. And find ways to creatively use these discoveries while the Moon is void of course from 5:02 pm, MDT, until 10:58 tonight, at which time she enters earthy Virgo. And on Sunday morning at 8:18, moves into her gibbous phase with a second wind to refine what she wants to reveal at her fullness. She’s bearing a whimsical attitude about nurturing our spiritual identity.


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