Sunday, February 19, 2006

Last Quarter & Balsamic Moon

February 20 Monday
The Scorpio Moon is void of course most of Monday, emptying out the silvery, dark waters of that zodiac sign, filling the earth with slippery, tricky situations. Wrap yourself in a state of humor today. It will make it easier to navigate deceptive waters and speed through emotional highs and lows. Scorpio is very familiar with the depths of despair as well as the heights of ecstasy. Instead of flirting with trouble and succumbing to it, ride the waves with laughter. At 7:38 pm, MST, the Moon enters Sagittarius, emphasizing a spirit of exuberance at what’s ahead.

February 21 Tuesday
We have a last quarter Moon in Sagittarius, showing us how we’ve weathered the trials of the past three weeks, utilizing our abilities to intuitively maneuver through the limitations encountered. It is time to use that intuition to see what, as yet, unknown trait or attitude is now attracting our awareness, and shift our attention to it. This can take us into a lofty head-space in which to view the repetitive drama of different social or cultural perspectives that each of us has participated in over our lifespans. Look at how you’ve secured yourself with or freed yourself from the camaraderie of others.

February 22 Wednesday
This Wednesday morning our minds may be restless to come to some new understanding of how some of the universal laws, such as that of correspondence, as above, so below, are being demonstrated in our lives. The Sagittarius Moon pours out some philosophical views on like mother like daughter, whatever patterns dominate the head of a family get reflected throughout the members. We can get deep insights into how much or how little we have conformed to the conditioning of our formative years or to any training throughout our lives. Tonight’s void Moon offers time to mull over philosophical matters.

February 23 Thursday
Thursday starts out with opportunities to show how well we can meet the challenges of life by using our inner guidance. The Capricorn Moon reflects the level of authority we’ve assumed as our own. Part of our maturation process is to become a master of our own needs and desires, knowing exactly what to do to secure ourselves. This takes a broad perspective on life, and often we need the input of others or of higher powers, like angels, bodhisattvas, counselors, or truthful friends, to find out what’s going on from various angles, or to penetrate beneath the surface.

February 24 Friday
Friday’s Capricorn Moon tells us that it can go well for us if we look at the burdens we’re carrying or the hardiness we’re exhibiting as mirrors of what we are attracting and accepting into our lives. This perspective can immerse us into our core to reevaluate our experiences in terms of what is possible when we live as spirit incarnated. The Moon enters her balsamic phase at 12:38 pm, MST, and goes void of course at 5:58 pm until the early hours of Saturday morning. Let things settle for the evening by engaging in some grounding rituals, like preparing a hardy meal, dancing, or drumming. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 25 Saturday We have a balsamic Aquarius Moon for the weekend, bringing us back to the degree of the last new Moon and offering us insights into how we please other people or become beholden to their desires, and they to ours. Fate may seem to be a major factor in the choreography of the past month’s circumstances. There’s a sense of greater forces at work that can help us construct a reality that emerges from our ability to visualize it. Let’s hope we are imaging something beyond the duplication of what has been. Be selective in shaping your reality!


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