Sunday, March 05, 2006

First Quarter & Gibbous Moon

March 6 Monday
Monday’s Gemini Moon tells us to perk up, be prepared to make some changes. At 1:16 pm, MST, the Moon enters her first quarter phase. Tension for action is in the air. Will it display the maturity to move in ways that regenerate our lives? Or will it show a brashness to pursue an idea that leads to the deterioration of certain conditions? Or another of several possibilities: will this tension lead to a dissolution of a shallow way of thinking that evolves into a celebration of broader awareness? We can easily be transported to a space for observing vast vistas!

March 7 Tuesday
Tuesday starts with a Gemini Moon that may reflect some difficulty in getting clear about how to proceed with inspirational information. Yet we may be able to etch images of certain tentative ideals in our minds. At 9:09 am, MST, the Moon goes void of course until late afternoon. During this time, work over images that support your lofty plans. At 3:38 pm the Moon enters Cancer, and we may feel more productive if we orient ourselves towards venturing into the unknown. Fill up with courage to leave the comfort of the familiar and envision the best outcome for your aspiration.

March 8 Wednesday
Wednesday morning’s Cancer Moon offers a sanctuary in which to find a piece of one’s desires. Emotional torrents may also propel us to desert allegiances that are not aligned with our goals. We may be inundated with tests of our character. It’s a sink or swim scenario that can consume all of our energy, yet link us to our passion. Notice how your instincts are reacting, and heed sage advice. Cancer relates to strong emotions and to the business of managing one’s comfort-zone or homebase. So protect what is most personal to you.

March 9 Thursday
All of the water signs in the zodiac are linked this morning by the Cancer Moon, carrying a flow of feelings and perceptions that can help us rise to meet most circumstances with enthusiasm and optimism. We may float through the inner story of our lives, making way for what cannot be seen, tapping into overflowing inner information and power. At 1:41 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course until early Friday morning. Indulge in some self-witnessing activities during this period. Imagine slipping out of your body and circling it from various angles. Does this observation feed you ideas for future growth?

March 10 Friday
There’s a youthful vibrancy that our souls sing out today with this Leo Moon. It may lead some of us to engage in risky plans that require navigating iffy maneuvers. Heed the feminine wisdom of accommodating everything. This can give you a sense of when to withdraw and how to use moderation, as you encounter thrilling spectacles. The Moon enters her gibbous phase at 12:57 pm, MST, suggesting we focus on mastering some of our maneuvers with first hand experience and others vicariously. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MST for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 11 Saturday
Saturday’s excitable Leo Moon may be spreading its spirit, wildly expecting something unknown to break through. A modicum of calm is called for. Otherwise it may be uncertain where one belongs. And if operating on automatic pilot, circumstances may get over-heated. Listen to the exhortations of your intuition, as some of the excitement may lead to trouble. On Sunday morning at 8:38, MST, the Moon goes void of course for almost seven hours. Encircle all of your new perspectives, and play with them as the Moon voids herself of Leo energy. The Moon enters Virgo at 3:23 pm, MST, offering sensible use of tactics.


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