Sunday, April 09, 2006

Gibbous & Full Moon

April 10 Monday
The Virgo gibbous Moon reminds us to carefully execute each little task that can improve distinguishing attributes of some relationship, things that help us access its inner essence. We need to gather together all the fragments of who we are, like my brother’s brother, my mother’s prodigal daughter, and arrange those aspects so that they push us in a direction of surpassing the former beauty of our connections to others. Then we can know what counts and experience a freshness in our interconnection with things that taps into and reveals something magnificent.

April 11 Tuesday
Tuesday morning we may struggle to sort out various directions we can take with this Virgo Moon. Attending to matters seems to demand arduous discipline. Focus on your ideal, as the Moon goes void of course at 8:59 am, MDT, for almost three hours. Surrendering to what’s at hand during this time will allow what is essential to happen. At 11:46 am, the Moon moves into Libra, mirroring perfect moments of grace and elegance, if only in our memories. Such visions feel just a breath away, and with determination and reaching out to others, they can be attained.

April 12 Wednesday
The Libra Moon attracts collaborative situations that stir us to make adjustments to participate in our collective spiritual drama. This can be as simple as stopping to help someone who obviously could use some support, or as deliberate as choosing to sacrifice some of one’s private life to invest in a joint effort that revolutionizes and harmonizes some diversity. Libra seeks to engage with others according to some idealized code of behavior. Activate a version of etiquette that demonstrates social grace and appreciation for the beauty of every person’s soul.

April 13 Thursday
At 10:40 am, MDT, the Moon receives all of the light she can project from the Sun and begins her full phase which lasts through this Sunday. With this Libra full Moon we may begin to realize how connected, or not, we are to our intuition by how much we’ve allowed fresh perspectives of ourselves to come into view. Have we set aside inhibitions and opened to circumstances that have begun to shape something beautiful in us? Or have we shut ourselves in oblivion, not allowing something exquisite to form? The Moon is void of course, emptying out the compassionate, selfless side of Libra from 4:42 pm until 11:08 pm, when she enters Scorpio.

April 14 Friday
The Scorpio Moon helps us realize some of the strangeness of our motivations and how effortless it can be to follow them once we stop resisting. Our emotions betray our condition. Stonewalling can lead to frustration and even depression. With Scorpio, life is a puzzle and all the pieces are there to reveal a fascinating portrayal. We just need to bring them all together, to incorporate them in ways that link us to different realities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MDT for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 15 Saturday The Scorpio Moon on Saturday dares us to evaluate our readiness to expose our spiritual selves, the all of us that is totally and seamlessly connected. At 12:29 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course until 8:18 Sunday morning. During this period we can work through inner struggles and purify our desires. Sunday morning the Moon enters Sagittarius, renewing our hopes for qualities of beauty and harmony to endure in our lives. Retrace the events of the past two weeks to see what needs to shift alchemically and personally for this to happen.


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