Sunday, April 23, 2006

Balsamic & New Moon

April 24 Monday
The Pisces Moon enters her balsamic phase at 6:27 am, MDT, lasting for three days. Hopefully we can put to rest some entrapping behavior from our past, and enjoy opening anew to the enchantment present in ordinary things. There is a magnetic quality in the morning coolness that we can use to magically gather what we need for the day. Depending on our personal choices, the rest of Monday may unfold with delightful freshness or with crude nastiness. It may only be a matter of perspective that can be reshaped at any moment by letting go of attachments, especially during the void of course Moon from 6:35 pm till just after midnight.

April 25 Tuesday
The Aries Moon propels us beyond the inertia of lulling in the beauty of Springtime. Yet we can smoothly avoid being boxed in by pressing demands. Today’s challenge is to accommodate both our inner and outer worlds, to be mindful of reality yet extend our whimsical fantasies into the worldly activities. Envision moments in which nature’s elusive, yet magical expressions can captivate you, like a hummingbird hovering in front of you to remind you that you too can be tuned into exquisite beauty while dealing with the practicalities of everyday life.

April 26 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Aries Moon says there is no way to go back and recapture past conditions. Instead she feels drawn towards new possibilities that can best be explored by releasing the disappointing experiences of the past. Such an unburdening can give one the emotional freedom to experiment. New directions do not have to be totally devoid of elements of previous circumstances, especially their virtues and the sustaining principles that created them. While the Moon is void of course from 7:44 pm, MDT until after midnight, consider getting rid of impulsive behavior that gets you nowhere.

April 27 Thursday
The Taurus Moon struggles with bringing some long-term process into reality this morning. At 1:44 pm, MDT, we have a new Moon bearing themes of dealing with inertia, non-functionality, or resistance. What behaviors do we rely on when we’re ahead of the game or out of sync with a situation, or feel useless, incapable? How good are we at making something work, or at least biding time until a procedural approach materializes? During this new phase of three and half days, notice how you organize or rearrange things so that something that has just emerged in your awareness can fit.

April 28 Friday
With Friday morning’s Taurus Moon, we may have no useful idea of what to do with the images pouring into our minds. When in a confused state of being, all that really matters is to honor the spirit that dwells everywhere. Breathe! During the rest of the day there are opportunities to sort out how you operate under duress, old shortcomings, or just plain disappointment. This can help you decide what you want to attract for this cycle. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm MDT for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 29 Saturday The Moon is in Gemini for the weekend, raising issues and haphazardly scattering information while daring us to chase after it. Of particular availability Saturday is the chance to attune to synchronizing waves of thought that can be discovered by disciplining oneself to follow the allurement of strange occurrences. Holding a simple question, such as, “How can that be?” And expecting answers, can stretch our mental functions and produce breakthroughs. The ideas emerging with this Moon cycle are meant to shatter some container of personal reality, like a set of family values, or one’s work ethic, or membership rituals in a club.


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