Sunday, August 06, 2006

Gibbous & Full Moon

August 7 Monday
We start the week with a gibbous Capricorn Moon showing a sound determination to persevere in presenting a strong creative self-portrayal despite any disapproval. Yet we may become completely absorbed in getting others to invest in what’s behind the image projected. This can be a delicate balancing act between one’s passions and the emotional needs of others. Internally there may be mental quarrels pressing points that negate attempts to improve your heart-produced expressions. Don’t let doubts undermine the establishment of a strong selfhood!

August 8 Tuesday
The gibbous Moon is in Aquarius, suggesting that we give ourselves free reign to find any aspect of the human condition that will complete the way of being that we are seeking. Our aspirations for claiming our creative territory can be fed with lightning-like flashes of inspiration about what is needed and how to use it. We just need to be in an open-minded, receptive mode. Be wary of indulging in melodramatic or terrifying scenarios. With mental awareness we can apply critical qualities that please us no matter how outrageous we appear to others! Yet with tonight’s full Moon, we might feel protective of our uncommonness.

August 9 Wednesday
At 4:54 am, MDT, the Aquarius Moon was at her fullest with an alert awareness of her eccentricity. We may be highly sensitive to an amazing self-knowledge. And the best way to express it is in the company of people who respect your right to espouse your ideals and where you feel no need to defend them. It is not that such a community is in agreement with your views so much as it is unselfish and accommodates the ever-changing differences of individuals. At 4:58 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course, releasing the Aquarian waves of liberty for all within a sisterhood that embraces everyone.

August 10 Thursday
We have a Pisces Moon revealing, like a reflecting pool, the portraits of ourselves. What parts are illuminated and draw others into our personal drama? What parts do we want to recede from and why? Is there too much; is it overwhelming? Is there excitement and clarity that brings actions or emotional responses? There are compelling realizations today that address our ability to be all-inclusive, sensitive to mass thinking, yet motivated to be focused on our own personal lane. Our rational mind wants to cooperate with the tucked away murmurings of our psyche.

August 11 Friday
The Pisces Moon reveals how our behaviors and attitudes over the past two weeks fit into our present self-definition. Pisces can assist us in magically accentuating our creative fun force. She can also aid us in clearing any impediments to rhythmically regenerating ourselves. She reminds us that our individual identity is a part of our spiritual legacy and that we are eternally flowing into an ideal of unity reflected in our social bonds. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

August 12 Saturday We have an Aries disseminating Moon for the weekend. The disseminating phase started at 10:12 am, MDT, propelling us to express and embody an indwelling, individualistic identification with the sacred in our hearts. How can we show that something new that stands apart has taken hold of us that we will defiantly defend while being fully conscious that our singularity is the result of a collective heritage? A fresh understanding of this impacts us on Sunday with staggering enthusiasm. We may want to celebrate an internal combustion of change!


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