Saturday, November 04, 2006

Full & Disseminating Moon

November 6 Monday
The Taurus full Moon is void of course this morning, releasing precious revelatory gems of information. At 9:46 am, MST, she moves into Gemini, doing a high dive, deep plunge into our minds’ meanderings, helping Mercury retrograde articulate what seems impossible to explain. This Moon can find a passageway through the barriers that isolate us although some of the journey may be uncomfortable. Gemini can lead us into information overload. Try not to have unrealistic expectations of yourself or of others.

November 7 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Gemini Moon may bring up some overlooked factors that we can use to evaluate relationships as well as our behavior when it comes to assimilating new knowledge. Such a consideration can remind us of neglected truths and the importance of preserving old wisdom. It is valuable to be well-informed, but it is also important to discard worthless data. This can help us to vote responsibly on this election day. Trust your own ability to discern what is useful for you to know. What brings personal insight is different for each of us. Hence triviality to one person can be fundamental for another.

November 8 Wednesday
The Gemini Moon is voiding herself of this diversity-driven sign this morning, leaving seed ideas behind. We can be disoriented during the first half of the day, and things can get messy. If you feel overwhelmed, minimize activity until this afternoon. At 12:46 pm, MST, the Moon enters Cancer, helping us take decisive action. At 4:10 pm, the Moon enters her disseminating phase, a time to combine all the knowledge gained over the past couple of weeks and expose it by developing behaviors that express the wondrous world within you.

November 9 Thursday
Emotions may get explosive Thursday morning with outrageous circumstances that can trigger childish outbursts which could be humorous. The Cancer Moon explores emotional options and gives permission to take risks. Follow your instincts; satisfy your needs. And inspect anything that appears extraordinary. Therein may be some powerful message. At the end of the day, reassess what you have learned and see if you can be at home with knowing that there is no limit to what one can learn and allowing room for more.

November 10 Friday
With Friday’s Cancer Moon find ways to share new perspectives with those close to you. At 1:56 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course for almost six hours. While the Moon is draining herself of the nurturing energies of Cancer, we can easily sway or be swayed by the opinions of others. At 7:34 pm, the Moon moves into Leo, reinforcing the passionate pursuit of personal interests. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 11 Saturday
We have a Leo Moon for the weekend, creating a playful and celebratory feeling for Saturday’s adventures or for pondering memories of past delights. Some memories may be humbling. On Sunday at 10:45 am, MST, the Moon enters her last quarter phase. This is a time for acknowledging the past yet letting it go and opting for a new direction, especially if one wants to avoid stagnation. In this phase of this cycle we are encouraged to follow our hearts no matter how foolish that may seem.


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