Monday, October 09, 2006

Disseminating & Last Quarter Moon

October 9 Monday
The Taurus Moon reminds us of how fertile and talented we can be, yet something is missing. Something that has to do with an essential part of ourselves that needs to be the focal point. Could it be motivation? What makes you tick? What makes you fearlessly engage everyday challenges with courage and confidence? At 11:07 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course until after midnight. While the Moon is relinquishing the treasures of Taurus, try to stay in touch with the current spiritual and emotional dimensions of your life.

October 10 Tuesday
The Gemini Moon entered her disseminating phase early this morning. It’s time to acknowledge the insights that have come with the struggles to focus, concentrate, and make links with all the information that has surrounded us over the last 2 weeks. Have we acquired solutions to deeply hidden problems? Have veils been lifted, or are we still acting on faith? Can we celebrate our discoveries? Can we bring our observations into a coherence that leads to an uplifting future? Take time to face all the facts around recent disturbances.

October 11 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Gemini Moon brings deep understanding of current yet somewhat obscure problems. But first it’s important that we clearly comprehend, acknowledge, and come to peace with what we’ve been going through. By doing this we allow a sense of integrity to spontaneously emerge. There’s some good in everything. Let the best in you come out in the open and drift through the day in joyous celebration of what you know. At 6:22 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course until the early morning. Be receptive to more information as the Moon dispenses of Gemini’s databanks.

October 12 Thursday
The waning Cancer Moon on Thursday wants to disperse comfort and joy. Conclusions are still being drawn on issues that have surfaced with last month’s eclipses. As we fathom the images our minds bring us about recent conflicts, we may need to foster a receptivity to hearing others’ opinions about our problems. Displaying what we are going through is a way of being in sync with the disseminating moon phase. However, be cautious and clear-headed, as some influences can be detrimental. And you are the only one who can truly change your situation.

October 13 Friday
The Cancer Moon emphasizes doing what needs to be done to overcome stormy circumstances and to attract ideal situations. At 6:25 pm, MDT, the Moon enters her last quarter phase. It’s time to recognize what has been accomplished and express one’s feelings about the obstacles faced. And most importantly we need to find a balance point between the sensations of the past and the novelties of the future so that we can flow in a new direction. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

October 14 Saturday
We have a void of course Cancer Moon all morning, making it feel like we’re drifting with the tide yet not seeing any landmarks. At 12:38 pm, MDT, the Moon enters Leo, helping us dramatically release tensions that have been held inside. On Sunday this Leo Moon may push to have everything out in the open which can be a little worrisome and overwhelming. Place the spotlight on the meaning and value of what gets expressed. Look for clues that support an ideal that you can pursue soon.


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