Monday, September 18, 2006

Balsamic & New Moon

September 18
The Leo Moon entered her balsamic phase early this morning. It’s time to link all that we know with our vision of the future. In this process we need to objectively examine those behaviors or things that we cannot avoid that do not support the desired future, and release them, throw them away. This may stir up repressed emotions, vulnerable stuff we would rather not be aware of. And our refusal to choose to uncover and understand what’s lurking deep inside of us will put us in denial. Today we have the chance and choice to perform at our worst or at our best!

September 19 Tuesday
At 6:16 am, MDT, the Leo Moon goes void of course for almost twelve hours! This period, like the balsamic moon phase that we are presently in, is an excellent time for retreating and surrendering to the imagery and inspiration that comes in meditative or restful states. The lion, Leo, doesn’t always play around in the sunshine and claim his territory. Today’s Leo Moon reflects those napping times in the shade. If you must work, go at it in an unhurried manner and trust that everything that needs attention will get it. At 6:07 pm, the Moon enters helpful Virgo.

September 20 Wednesday
The Virgo balsamic Moon reminds us that when we are visualizing a possible future, the way we do that is just as important as what we are visualizing. Thinking, analyzing, refining an idea without the force of heartfelt emotions can thwart success. The feelings need to direct the thinking. It is through our emotions that we can contact the Muse and use a pure form of energy. Gathering our strong, volatile emotions and channeling them into a desired goal can incite us to cut through distractions, focused on a clear destination. Proceed with sensitivity to others.

September 21 Thursday
On this day before a solar eclipse we may feel like we’ve lost our ability to focus. The Virgo Moon calls our attention to all that we want to reorganize in our lives. There are routines we would like to dispose of yet they are connected to things we want to keep around us. Involvements and attachments distract us. It’s important to take a spiritual or cosmic view of all that keeps grabbing our attention today. Put to rest the little things that just don’t fit in the bigger picture of your life right now. Let the naked truth of these be your guide.

September 22 Friday
At 5:41 am, MDT, the Sun is eclipsed by the Moon. At 5:45 am, we have a new Moon in Virgo after which she goes void of course until 7:06 am, when she enters Libra. Issues or conflicts may be arising around priorities. Tunnel vision may blind us from what we really need to be responding to. We may be overworking ourselves excessively and extravagantly without enlisting the help of others. Or we may be overextending ourselves with serving others at the expense of our own needs. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

September 23 Saturday
At 10:03 Friday night, we had the equinoctial moment when the Sun entered Libra and autumn began. The Moon is also in Libra, helping us negotiate deep-seated conflicts that have appeared in this eclipse season. By being alert and honest, we can process, figure out and explain, at least to ourselves, what we are going through. On Sunday at 8:11 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for most of the day. Get some breathing space while she empties out the social graces of Libra. Attend to inner urges. At 7:54 pm, the Moon enters insightful Scorpio.


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