Saturday, September 02, 2006

Gibbous & Full Moon

September 4 Monday
This labor day at 6:59 am, MDT, the Capricorn Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time when the attainment of goals feels near at hand yet there’s still work to do. In this cycle we are urged to use as much energy as we can muster to push onward through the thick of things. This may involve seeking to know everything about a situation or revealing things that were previously hidden. At 8:24 am, the Moon goes void of course until this afternoon. Let things quietly jell for the morning. Then at 12:15 pm, when the Moon moves into Aquarius, accelerate activity that ties up loose ends.

September 5 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Aquarius Moon dismisses the past; she’s totally focused on the future, watchful for and anticipating changes. Things are up in the air, but if we are willing to play around with possibilities, we may refine some of our skills in such a way that we open up to experience what was previously a potential. Late this afternoon is a deeply sensitive time in which we can bring our emotional force to the surface and use it to generate a magnetism that attracts what we’re longing for. We need to know that our unconscious feelings will participate as well. This will be an excellent time to check one’s emotional barometer.

September 6 Wednesday
The Aquarius Moon is void of course until this afternoon. While she is exhaling the big, comprehensive picture of things that Aquarius holds, we can encounter detailed information about either our intention for this Moon cycle or about some behavioral pattern that has come into focus. At 12: 56 pm, MDT, the Moon moves into Pisces, a sign that engulfs humanity and all of its institutions: how we do trade, how we entertain; and above all how we collectively take care of our basic needs.
Feel your way through this sea of human activity and look for what distinguishes you. How do you stand out in relationship to it all?

September 7 Thursday
With this morning’s Pisces Moon there may be some extraordinary and surprising insights that bring an understanding of some core issue that’s been afloat lately. At 12:42 pm, MDT, the Moon is opposite the Sun from our perspective here on earth and at her fullest and being eclipsed by the earth. ! During this full phase, realizations may come about how precise and at ease we are in the use of acquired skills. Other revelations could be about how one makes due with what’s available or how respect is earned despite surrounding circumstances. Or how we offer out best in a variety of forms.

September 8 Friday
The Pisces Moon is void of course until this afternoon. Avoid situations that demand alertness and focus as the Moon tosses out the shape-shifting waters of our repressed or hidden feelings. At 12:23 pm, MDT, the Moon moves into Aries and faces a burst of energy for appreciating elegance in action, even in the most primitive or basic movements you make today. There’s even beauty in the dexterity exhibited in complex tasks, especially when on target. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

September 9 Saturday
As the waning Aries Moon finishes its full phase this weekend, we can push ourselves to take the feelings and activities of the past two days and open up to how those events may be foreshadows or harbingers of what wants our attention at the next new moon which is a solar eclipse. Subconscious inclinations want our attention. While the Moon is void of course most of Sunday morning, we can delve into the deep, perhaps subtle, forces in our subconscious that want to be uncovered. The Moon enters Taurus Sunday afternoon at 12:30, helping us to find what’s important to consider.


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