Saturday, March 03, 2007

March 5 Monday
Monday’s Libra Moon connects us to our inner force, perhaps even the power that fearsomeness brings. When we share or expose our power, others may be put off by it. Yet there is a delivery of one’s own personal reality which can have a seductive hold on others. And the alignment of the Sun and Uranus today represents an energy of singling out one’s ability to use power appropriately and to carry it well. Keeping an air of independence by not being blindsided by the influence of others may help foster your unique power. Expect the unexpected!

March 6 Tuesday
This Libra Moon may reveal the stories we keep telling that reinforce our personal history instead of accounts that might reinvent our past and our present. Uncomfortable emotions may hint at how uncompromising attachments to past perspectives are stressing us. Sooner or later change will occur. Check out possible revisions of how you’ve danced through life, and consider restructuring how you express yours in harmony with spiritual wisdom. How might you throw yourself wholeheartedly into your ideal way of living?

March 7 Wednesday
The Libra Moon tunes into Mercury this morning before it goes direct this evening, helping us evaluate the ideas and exchanges of the past three weeks while Mercury has been retrograde that can provide guidance to our ongoing evolution. At 12:51 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course for about two and a half hours while the Moon empties out the gentle avenues of Libra. This creates a climate of accepting and idealizing others. At 3:17 pm the Moon enters Scorpio, amping up our depth perception and understanding as we enter the disseminating phase at 7:36 pm.

March 8 Thursday
The disseminating Scorpio Moon reminds us that to truly have power we have to work on relationships, be persuasive, and patch up disagreements. Sometimes this means relinquishing some ego desires. Get rid of ego flaws and assert what is needed for changes that truly empower all involved. We may be surprised with what we can do by working out tensions. So deal with emotional storms; seize the moment to find the right solutions that uncover and clean out everything so that we can all go forward living our lives boldly.

March 9 Friday
Friday’s Scorpio Moon provides the psychic ability to perceive and understand the seen and the unseen. With such insight we can remove obstacles to participating in a bigger picture of life. Following what feels right to each of us can in some amazing way help us see through the illusions of separateness. When each of us wholeheartedly plays our personal, authentic role, what seems at first like chaos and irrationality becomes perfectly orchestrated for the greater good. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 10 Saturday
The Moon is in Sagittarius for the weekend, providing energetic flashes of awakening and understanding that we can just take in as they come and use them to circle in on a goal. Not heeding these insights may leave one in a precarious state of stagnancy. By engaging with what shows up, we can bring greater meaning to the course of our lives. Fit or reframe the events of these two days into the ideal scenario that portrays your life. Late Sunday night the Moon enters her last quarter phase, a time to sum up what fate has delivered over the past three weeks. And knowing that our lives are works in progress, get ready for the next new encounter.



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