Friday, December 22, 2006

First Quarter & Gibbous Moon

December 25 Monday
With the Moon in Pisces, this holiday can be lit up with magical thinking, fueled by our beliefs. We can experience a most unusual soul disposition to test our ability to remove obstacles to attaining some ideal. Discovering and sharing information highlights the day. Be forewarn, however, that we can be hyper-impressionable. Yet following one’s hunches and penetrating to the truth of some data communicated may prove to be quite insightful. Check for symbolic correspondences that tie into the real world. Merry Christmas!

December 26 Tuesday
Notice, with this Moon in Pisces, how you might be reluctant to getting back on a track of working towards the completion of some goal. Consolidate your energy, clear away obstacles so that you can steadily pursue an ideal completion. How self-reliable and self-sufficient do you feel? Pisces can bring us a full-blown emotional realization of how we have been in the past and what we can sow for the future. By orienting ourselves to the process, instead of the goal, we can attend to the immediate details without succumbing to worry or self-criticism.

December 27 Wednesday
The Moon is in Aries and entered her first quarter phase at 7:48 am, MST. It’s time to get fired up by what you want to happen and venture towards that goal, no matter how much of an ordeal its may seem. Situations may get hot. Use that heat to fuel activity. With iron-willed self-discipline we can forge ahead optimistically. Snatch opportunities to advance; stir things up! By being alert, we can make progress with each intentional motion. If uncertainty shows its face, flame yourself with excitement about desired possibilities.

December 28 Thursday
Thursday’s Aries Moon can be a little testy. She wants to get beyond appearances, to confront the truth of circumstances, to get to the heart of what is desired. Let your passion flare up and build momentum to get yourself through any difficult encounters today. Shrewdness and cunning may help you maneuver around any snares. Anticipating what may be needed will definitely provide for a productive day. At 7:54 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course until after midnight. Relax and recollect how you spent your energy as the Moon releases the sparks of Aries.

December 29 Friday
The Taurus Moon brings up practical matters regarding our progress towards some goal. Just how much has been done? Where are we in regard to what we are seeking? Are we able to celebrate what has been accomplished to date? Check out the advancements you’ve made. Outlines of the future may be prevalent. Welcome change as you give attention to concrete steps you can take to be in accord with it! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 30 Saturday
Saturday’s Taurus Moon reminds us to look for the value we are getting out of whatever quest we are on at present. At 6:22 pm, MST, the Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time to concentrate on finishing touches. In this cycle and at this point, notice whether or not you are appreciating the style with which you pursue a task. At 7:37 pm, the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. Slow down and enjoy yourself! The Moon is in Gemini on Sunday, sharpening our wits and encouraging us to grow in awareness of our flexibility.


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