Monday, February 12, 2007

Last Quarter & Balsamic Moon

February 12 Monday
The waning Sagittarius Moon beckons us to examine our beliefs, to consider whether or not our present convictions can sustain us amidst changing worldviews. Accept invitations to gather and share ideas with like-minded companions. Within such circles visions and innovations can be born. We may feel alienated from former ways of being as well as from our social origins during these transitional times. It is beneficial to have accessible avenues that connect us to spirit, to all that is. These can be traditional paths or ones personally and creatively constructed.

February 13 Tuesday
The Moon entered Capricorn early this morning. We are attracted to the part of us that is driven and bound up by old karmic entanglements, the desires of former existences. Today may present a journey of being on the wall between the old and the new, of discerning what to release and what to revitalize within a different context. Mercury goes retrograde this evening for three weeks. The Moon transmits the mercurial message for this period that we need to penetrate beyond surface appearances to determine whether or not long term conditions can be brought to a new level of engagement.

February 14 Wednesday
The Capricorn Moon on this Valentine’s Day attends to our passions by reflecting upon both the failures and successes we have had in fulfilling our desires. We may realize that we often learn more from the failures. But then, does that make us failure-driven? The Moon went into her balsamic phase last night, reminding us that it is the ideal of our strivings that is best upheld and identified with if we want to advance. The Capricorn Moon may support the stereotypical Valentine, and her connection to Venus offers lovable open-heartedness! Happy Valentine’s Day!

February 15 Thursday
The Capricorn Moon is void of course until 9:34 am, MST. You may want to neglect business as usual until then when the Moon moves into Aquarius, giving free reign to cut loose from old ways to follow new impulses. With Aquarius, however, everything from the past is not discarded. This sign functions through an interplay of the past and the future, using what has been as a springboard to what can be. Try to see the people and things you interact with today as catapulting agents, propelling you towards an unfamiliar future.

February 16 Friday
Friday’s Aquarius Moon renews our hope with lucky coincidences. There are plenty of opportunities for progress. And inspiration seems to come from the most unusual circumstances. Our openness to inner guidance may require us to step outside of the usual constraints we place upon ourselves. Use today’s insights to visualize what you’d like to attend to with the new Moon’s energy that comes tomorrow morning. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 17 Saturday
The new Moon occurred in Aquarius at 9:14 am, MST, setting a theme of becoming aware of how we allow the spark of new life to unfold. The Moon then went void of course until 11:30 am, creating an aura of cocoon-like emergence. The Moon is now in Pisces for the rest of the weekend, challenging us to merge with a burst of new energy and view our present circumstances and problems from a cyclical, evolutionary perspective. Sunday night, the Sun also enters Pisces, providing the stamina to make our dreams come true.


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