Saturday, January 06, 2007

Disseminating & Last Quarter Moon

January 8 Monday
The Virgo Moon pinpoints which struggles really matter. Thoughts, feelings, everything that’s been happening converges. Think outside of your circle of familiarity. Use your emotional radar to find your confidence, and let it determine what gets the bulk of your attention. A healthy sense of self-sufficiency can help throw off the spell of outworn rituals that insulate us from new possibilities. Involve yourself with tasks in ways that are clearly an improvement over former stale, nonproductive behavior.

January 9, Tuesday
The Virgo Moon is void of course from 5:50 this morning until 11:15 am, MST. This period is excellent for healing rituals that strip away everything that deters you from attaining what you seek to experience. It is possible to realize and understand what disorients you, how you get overwhelmed. At 11:15 am, the Moon moves into Libra, helping us be at peace with where and how we are. Yet Libra brings to mind our personal ideals and sparks our spiritual core to maintain a steady progress towards what we feel ought to exist in our social milieu.

January 10, Wednesday
Wednesday’s emotional climate with a Libra Moon is graced with satisfaction. Some of us may feel so generous that we try to do too much, overextending ourselves. Yet the expansive sense this day brings can help us find centeredness. And in that space we have the ability to evaluate what truly needs our attention and how we can integrate many aspects of our lives. Libra offers us compliancy that tends to seek some ideal of beauty and fairness. This can lead us to setting unrealistic standards and to being easily deceived by influential people.

January 11, Thursday
The Libra Moon enters her last quarter phase at 5:44 am, MST. Her presence in the middle of the morning sky reminds us that at this point in the cycle we are empowered to see everything and comprehend the consciousness that was seeded at the last new Moon. The challenge from the middle of the sky or mountain top is to recognize the direction of the next journey, to make the connection from the joy of certain realizations and accomplishments to the confidence needed to reorient oneself. There are spiritual resources to drawn upon for this shift. They are especially available tonight after 6:55 pm, when the Moon goes void of course.

January 12 Friday
The last quarter Moon is in Scorpio, reminding us of death and rebirth, the death of flat, spirit-less behavior and the emergence of enthused, whole-hearted activity. With some introspection we can grasp what we are dealing with and how we can advance the level of awareness we use in our everyday life. All we need to do is make a clean break from some unwanted, unneeded habit. With such conscious action, many things seem to change: predicaments and even relationships. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 13 Saturday
With Saturday’s Scorpio Moon we are being challenged to notice subtle shifts in behavior, both our own and that of others. These changes are intimations of the distinctions between our present consciousness and what is possible. The Moon goes void of course Sunday morning at 8:49 MST for two and a half hours of releasing emotional wounds and renewing inner strength. At 11:11 am, the Moon enters Sagittarius, urging us to find comfort in our highest ideals. Feelings can easily be exaggerated and overindulged. Seek to understand your emotional states.


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