Sunday, March 18, 2007

New and Crescent Moon

March 19 Monday
The seed of last night’s new Moon is now being warmed by the fire of Aries, allowing the spirit within to stir and emerge, reminding us that we are all connected, all from one source. That source embraces us all, and through each of us is able to have myriad experiences. Through self-discovery we can each bring alive our capabilities, our heritage and inheritance from the ultimate source. With Aries and a new Moon we may be eager to leap forward into action. But eclipse energy beckons us to keep a fierce inner vigilance, waiting for our current role in spirit’s grand play to reveal itself.

March 20 Tuesday
This morning’s Aries Moon charges through the clutter in our inner darkness. If we take the time to tune into our feelings, they may tell us where to direct our actions today. This evening the Sun is on the Aries point, beginning springtime and together with the Moon, awakening us, if only through our imaginations, to a course of action. Aries represents our heads, and this is a good time to use our brains, both right and left sides. Listen to the subconscious voices, some of them speak common sense and some of them keep us in a frustrated state. At 9:33 pm, MDT, the Moon goes void of course. Tonight’s dreams may provide possible directions.

March 21 Wednesday
The Moon is in Taurus, aligning our hearts and our voices with certain basic values. Start the day by choosing a personal value to focus upon, and let it help you re-examine some of your attachments. We may be wary of the new ground this eclipse cycle is suggesting we traverse. The Taurus Moon hints that we leave behind certain old comforts that no longer fit, and, if we must, take small steps or crawl towards experiences that will develop our wisdom. By addressing our underlying values, we can awaken to the inner landscape of our hearts and the paths they want us to take.

March 22 Thursday
The Taurus Moon entered her crescent phase at 1:32 am, MDT. This is a stage where the theme of this lunation, the diversity that exists in unity, slowly materializes with persistent efforts on our part to support it. It is important for us to accept that things are operating on different levels. This can help us relieve tensions and puncture illusions. At 9:12 am, MDT, the Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. While the Moon sweeps out the grounded practicality of Taurus, it is good for us to retreat to nature for inspiration. It is best to restrain impulsive action today.

March 23 Friday
The Moon is in Gemini, tending to the details of setting a new context for daily behavior. Don’t rely on tried and true formulas; explore being on the edge of your personal viewpoint and how it shares the spirit in each of us. This may, surprisingly, offer some opportunities for cooperative projects. Take advantage of circumstances that promote spiritual questing. Follow your convictions and assert your instincts to express yourself. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MDT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 24 Saturday
Saturday’s Gemini Moon provides a variety of ways to attend to one’s inner needs. Change is sought, and we may rejoice in how we have cut loose from some old clutter. Or we may worry about those things we have difficulty releasing. Early Sunday morning the Moon enters Cancer, and at 12:16 pm, MDT, moves into her first quarter phase, challenging us to develop actions that will show off our playful enchantment with life impetuously. Can we actualize an excitement with life in a mature manner; can we gleefully follow our bliss without being foolhardy?


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