Monday, December 03, 2007

Balsamic and New Moon

December 3 Monday
The last quarter Libra Moon struggles to find peace of mind. There is a pressing demand for an internal change due to provoking insights. It is critical at this time to shift the direction of one’s awareness to align with recent revelations. To know the uselessness or wrongness of a habit and do nothing about it on an intentional level leaves one enslaved to it. Getting out of that old pattern and imagining and creating a replacement can lead to an expression of a more elegant life, one suited to personal potential. It is important to strengthen your ideals and put them into a serviceable form.

December 4 Tuesday
Tuesday’s Libra Moon suggests we connect with a new reality, one of our own making with the application of the wisdom of the past. If we have let go of some behavior that has had full expression and its exit from our lives has been overdue, we may now understand how former experiences have infused a core sense of the meaning of one’s life. Reflection on past habits reveals a thread that has woven a path to living a joyfully inspired life. Signs of ignoring one’s self-development may be the appearance of dull situations in which it is near impossible to find anything interesting or beneficial.

December 5 Wednesday
The Libra Moon, after entering her balsamic phase at 7:35 am, goes void of course at 7:48 am, MST, for almost four hours while Venus, Libra’s planet, entered Scorpio an hour earlier. As the Moon is releasing Libra’s redemptive need for interdependence, ponder on any lingering selfish attachment to the past. At 11:31 am, the Moon moves into Scorpio to meet up with Venus. The issue of hanging on or letting go may become an obsession. In today’s planetary interweavings, Venus may exhibit her clinging characteristics. Beware of controlling situations through passive resistance or hidden agendas.

December 6 Thursday
The balsamic Scorpio Moon emphasizes the struggle of bridging the past with an anticipation of new changes. This demands an extraction of the worst of what has been to generate a flowering of potential. To do this calls for keen self-analysis that indicates how to achieve such a liberation. Deep personal insight is available this evening as the Moon returns to where she last met the Sun. In the darkness of this mostly moonless night, we can join with unknown forces to gather our thoughts and train our instincts to cross a threshold that takes us away from the debris of stagnating feelings and habits.

December 7 Friday
The balsamic Scorpio Moon is void of course all day, dripping off the dark, secretive waters of Scorpio. We, too, can cast off our hidden burdens. There is a feeling that all things are possible. Old grudges can be thrown away and forgiveness comes easily. Deception is the only enemy. Be watchful of subtle ways of avoiding or denying the truth. To forgive but inwardly dwell on how one was wronged is to still be hooked by an offense. Forgetting is an indication of how complete the forgiving is. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 8 Saturday
The Moon is in Sagittarius, offering us a sense of the unexplored near future and encouraging us to fantasize on the possibilities, especially within the larger backdrop of one’s life journey. On Sunday morning at 10:40, MST, we have a new Moon with a theme of understanding how we adventure into fresh, different perspectives of our lives that can test our stamina. The beginning of this cycle has an open-minded quality, lighthearted, talkative with a yearning for information that will deepen one’s understanding of the forces that direct one’s life.


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