Monday, November 12, 2007

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

November 12 Monday
The week starts with a long and fore-sighted Sagittarius Moon wanting it all, preparations for whatever is coming in as well as assurances of freedom to get away at a moment’s notice. Give yourself permission to explore everything that surrounds you, especially those things that seem to be dying, leaving, no longer needed, or things that shackle you, curtail your movement. Try to both feel and understand why such things need to go. Opportunities to change abound. We can bust loose into a new phase of existence by releasing the past and fleeing towards new connections.

November 13 Tuesday
The Moon enters Capricorn at 6:00 am, MST, providing the resourcefulness to move through some new territory, encouraging an emerging direction. There may be an ordeal making a transition to one’s imagined ideal way to proceed. At 6:25 pm, MST, the Moon moves into her crescent phase, telling us to examine encounters as to whether they align you to what you desire or not. The crescent phase can be a struggle requiring persistent effort to move beyond the tried and true. Capricorn’s cautious nature can hold us back in the past’s familiar behavior. Look for openings to new experiences.

November 14 Wednesday
Wednesday’s Capricorn Moon provides the stamina to concentrate on an inwardly felt desire to free ourselves of some behavior that camouflages a brilliance. Recognizing what is lacking, and using the homeopathic law of attraction, like attracts like, may help. So loosening up may be the key to freeing up. Let go of what is inhibiting you. Have the courage to face your controlling inner power, demanding to step outside of your current reality. Tomorrow’s void of course Moon may bring the insights needed to surpass your expectations and to usher in a new experience.

November 15 Thursday
Most of Thursday has an introspective mood with the planet Mars having gone retrograde early this morning and the Capricorn Moon being void of course until late this afternoon. While the Moon is shedding the dark, hard earth of Capricorn, we too can release the rigid boundaries of resistance to change. Disregard status or reputation, and ask yourself, “Why not let go of antiquated self-identifications?” At 4:30 pm, MST, the Moon moves into unconventional Aquarius where it’s easier to change one’s mind and rebel against conformity. Try not to succumb to uncertainty.

November 16 Friday
A challenge this Friday morning is to explore the underlying implications of changing a basic mode of expressing yourself. This process can strengthen the feasibility of such action. The Aquarius Moon may bring us under the influence of some past connections that can surprisingly put our concerns into a context that supports our ideals. Avoid worrying; examine the defence mechanisms you may be using. Nix to labels and stereotypes. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 17 Saturday
The Aquarius Moon enters her first quarter phase at 3:33 pm, MST. It’s time for rebellious action against past behaviors that stifle the full expression of one’s potential. During the next three days, test your hunches about what’s wrong with certain personal habits by acting differently. Create a bridge between old ways and new ways. The Moon goes void of course at 7:51 pm, threatening us with confusion and indecision. At 12:14 am, Sunday She moves into highly imaginative Pisces, which can help us escape our fears and refuse to succumb to what entraps us from our the past.


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