Monday, November 19, 2007

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

November 19 Monday
The Pisces Moon today calls for productivity, best accessed through the use of spiritual discipline, like mindfulness and or through the use of imagination, such as seeing yourself at the end of the day having completed your to-do list. And in the case of letting go of some no longer needed habit, picture yourself doing a desirable replacement behavior during the day. Have a vision for the day that connects you to your perfect picture of it. There’s a challenge to this. It’s an overall climate of ambivalence, restlessness, and irritability, but the Pisces moon can wash away all of that. See her dissolve such moods like an alka-selzer tablet.

November 20 Tuesday
The Moon is in Aries, the sign of Mars, and Mars is in Cancer, the sign of the Moon. This calls for balancing emotional energies! We may feel trapped, too involved with others’ lives and want to detach. Aggressive and impulsive reactions that feed off of crises or hurdles may not develop the changes desired. Deal only with what you can handle. Yet any sort of action during this first quarter Moon phase is better than none. Following the action may lead to some very different factors and some very rich encounters, making this a most extraordinary day!

November 21 Wednesday
The Aries Moon entered her gibbous phase early this morning. Don’t get off-track by being too self-centered. Include others and things that attract your attention. Keep working for the change you’re seeking by using techniques that get results. Allow for a wide range of influences to inspire you. Such openness brings fresh ideas that charge your creative impulses. Give yourself permission to be in a constant state of joy and freedom, as you explore many possibilities. And be willing to let go of behavior that inhibits you from expressing your beliefs.

November 22 Thursday
The Moon moved into Taurus early this morning, and the Sun moves into Sagittarius at 9:50 am, MST. This combination can spark adventurous ways to give thanks for what we most cherish on this Thanksgiving Day. Taurus suggests giving a little TLC to the earth. Traditions are favored as long as they are not entrapping or seem like an endurance test. Look for ways to improve your celebration without taking on more than you can handle. Respect your own needs without trying to control others. Avoid compulsive over-activity, like eating too much much. Happy Thanksgiving!

November 23 Friday
Surprisingly it may be difficult to deal with reality today. Some of us may feel lost within ourselves, holding on to a precious guidance that is leading us with the tiniest of bread crumbs. The Moon in Taurus goes void of course at 11:53 am, MST until 4:29 tomorrow morning. What we most desire to have may seem unreachable. Be satisfied with simple,useful pleasures while the Moon sheds herself of Taurus. It is easy to be deceived under these circumstances. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

November 24 Saturday
The Moon moved into Gemini early this morning and was at her fullest at 7:30 am, MST. In this full phase if we have learned to appreciate the bright moments in life and how to let go of behaviors or things that have become dead weight, we can realize how a variety of things fits together and how there is a multitude of gifts to replace what was released. We may feel overwhelmed by the hidden forces behind such revelations. Tension can be relieved by sticking with the truth of your personal reality. Free yourself from the pressures of the past and make new connections.


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