Saturday, February 02, 2008

New Moon Solar Eclipse

February 4 Monday
In the early morning before dawn we can see Jupiter, Venus, and then the balsamic Capricorn Moon in the eastern sky, gently offering us an authentic view of our inner life and how we connect our values and our beliefs if we take the time to meditate on what is holy and treasured within us. We may be surprised at the honest sense we get of how rich or poor we are when it comes to internal, intangible accomplishments. At 11:20 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course for over twenty-four hours! While the Moon disposes of the purposeful, solid energy of Capricorn, we may feel out of control. Don’t worry; just surrender!

February 5 Tuesday
This morning we have a void of course Capricorn Moon that can make us feel as if we are drifting without direction, imprisoned like the castaway on a raft afloat at sea. This can be overwhelming for Capricorn, a sign that is oriented towards thinking it is in charge, commanding the agenda for the day. At 12:10 pm, MT, the Moon moves into Aquarius and the open space of the morning hours seems replaced or filled with hopeful innovative ideas that can incubate within us. On this last day of a balsamic Moon, drained free of the Sun’s light, we can experience an emptiness receptive to novelties.

February 6 Wednesday
The Sun and the Moon, both in Aquarius, meet up with retrograde Mercury before they conjoin with each other today. Such interaction encourages open exchanges about past associations with people and ideas. We may be able to tease out new interpretations of old stuff. Pay attention to social inhibitions and to whether or not you are willing to ostentatiously expose any information about yourself. At 8:44 pm, MT, we have a new Moon and a solar annular eclipse, not visible in most parts of the world. This initiates an issue of finding ways to express more of our inner life in our outer life.

February 7 Thursday
With Thursday’s Aquarius Moon we may pick up on the excitement of new impulses yet feel uncertain about how to respond. The Moon goes void of course at 8:50 am, MT, for almost ten hours. During this time the Moon sheds the originality and progressiveness of Aquarius. We may be waiting for stimulating things to happen and feel confused by what we encounter. Stay open! Sudden, unexpected insights may erupt in the most extraordinary way. At 6:46 pm, the Moon moves into gentle, protective Pisces, presenting opportunities to delve into the depths of our internal feelings.

February 8 Friday
The Pisces Moon may draw us into the mystery of some of our internal conflicts with a sense of duty to handle them. If we take this course, we may accumulate evidence that helps us understand some of those problems that we would prefer to keep hidden. If we see solutions, acting spontaneously to implement them may relieve tension between our inner and outer world. There may be surprising influences that generate greater acceptance of what has been kept secret. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 9 Saturday
With Saturday’s Pisces Moon, feelings may be churned up and expressed roughly. Use the tension to clear out psychological blockages and thoughts that restrain progress. The Moon goes void of course at 2:05 pm, MT, washing out the self-sacrificing energy of Pisces. Be gentle with yourself! The Moon moves into hardy Aries at 11:17 tonight and enters her crescent phase at 10:11 am on Sunday. During this period pursue the benefits of exposing your inner potential and extending your activities beyond their usual boundaries. There is new territory to explore.


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