Monday, December 17, 2007

December 17 Monday
The Pisces Moon entered her first quarter phase in the early morning hours. It is now time for decisive action based on conscious or unconscious choosing. Are you taking a new course or sticking with tried and effective methods? Reflect on that while the Moon is void, emptying out the hazy waters of Pisces from 11:27 to 11:52 am, MST. After which she moves into pioneering Aries, a sign that is outward directed, a go-getter. But with Mars, Aries’ planet, retrograde in the past-oriented Moon sign, Cancer, it may be challenging to get out of the supportive shelter of familiar habits.

December 18 Tuesday
The first quarter Aries Moon flares up in the face of any obstacles blocking her projected course. If in the past you’ve censored your thoughts while conversing with others out of care of what they might think about you, fearing you’ll be branded with shame or some other cruel judgement, it’s time to spit out the truth. Not to hurt anyone; just simply to be honest, to end the white lies, or deceit, to obliterated the inner garbage. Such truthfulness can unleash ripples of creative forces that can propel you into meaningful action that may lead to successfully expanding your view of life.

December 19 Wednesday
This morning’s Aries Moon supports confronting some of our assumptions about protective behaviors or devices. Doing this can lead to useful insights about some commonly acceptable practices. At 12:33 pm, MST, the Moon goes void of course for two hours. While she blows out the sparks of Aries, we might be easily distracted, losing our direction, getting off-track. At 2:38 pm, we can re-attach to the path of the day as the Moon moves into Taurus, boosting our self-sufficiency. If we are not well anchored in our self- reliance, we may feel cornered by others’ demands.

December 20 Thursday
The Taurus Moon is generally attached to the security of life experiences that bring comfort and pleasure. At this stage of the cycle, however, there may be the realization that holding on to some of these no longer satisfies and untieing them and shedding their carcasses, frees one to find stunning replacements. At 12:44 pm, MST, the Moon enters her gibbous phase, a time to push forward and play with what liberates and improves living on a broader scale. Be practical and learn from your experience. At 11:07 pm the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow afternoon. Have a simple Friday morning!

December 21 Friday
The Taurus Moon is voiding herself of earthly delights. It is best not to overindulge or go on spending sprees during this holiday weekend until after 3:14 pm, MST, when the Moon moves into Gemini. With this air sign we can wrap our minds around a variety of ways to act responsibly, especially if we focus on future results. Gemini can easily go off on tangents, yet the stillpoint of the winter solstice at 11:08 pm can anchor and center us to adhere to some purpose. Happy Winter Solstice! Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 22 Saturday
The Moon is in Gemini and the Sun is in Capricorn. There’s a fidgety, restlessness in the air. Avoid fretting, and go after what you want on your own terms without overextending yourself. Sunday afternoon the Moon is void of course from 1:25 to 3:18, MST, fanning out the fleeting thoughts of Gemini, and then moving into Cancer. The Cancer Moon reaches her fullness at 6:16 pm, revealing insights on how we can open up to new vistas by trusting in our own wisdom about which types of protective measures promote our livelihood and which don’t. We can penetrate the depths of issues around self-reliance and security.


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