Saturday, January 19, 2008

Full and Disseminating Moon

January 21 Monday
The Cancer Moon went void of course early this morning until tomorrow morning. While the Moon is pouring out the sensitive waters of Cancer, be attentive to the emotions that get triggered by external stimuli. Are these emotions related to how you draw upon certain major sources of nurturing? …the expectations you have of literary works, or music, or places of solitude? Is there comfort in these resources? Do they meet old standards that you still resonant with, or do they need to be replaced with activities more fitting to your present state of mind?

January 22 Tuesday
We have a full Moon at 6:35 am, MST, in Leo, beginning a phase that can reveal the infectiousness of obsessive rigidity when it comes to upholding specious standards, those that are not authentically our own. This full phase jolts us by bringing to a head the internal tensions caused by living incongruously with criteria that does not mirror our personal ideals.Can we use what is shown by this reflective light to dramatically usher in coherent behaviors? Attend to inner needs not fulfilled by external reality or unrealistic expectations of relationships.

January 23 Wednesday
With this Leo Moon, notice what seems to be circulating around you. Is there anything that gives you a sense of being in your element? Try to pick up on a sign that energizes you. What is it, or what might that be? It can be relatively easy to detach from old confinements and, through daydreaming, transport yourself in a chameleon-like manner to a space that supports your inner needs. This can also lead you to discover ways of letting go of incompatible daily rituals and of responding to alluring possibilities. Active imagining can be a way of remembering who you are and what you are about.

January 24 Thursday
The Moon empties herself of golden Leo for 5 minutes of being void of course and hurries into glimmering Virgo at 7:48 am, MST. At this point in the full phase we may have discerned a potential direction to take on if we truly want to assume responsibility for our personal lives and values. The day provides moments that test the level of self-discipline we can muster for the type of self-expression we wish to pursue. Sharing frustrations or at least externalizing them can stir up hidden insights that may promote greater consistency while advancing on a chosen path.

January 25 Friday
With this Virgo Moon, we can discriminate between our personal specialness and that of our social alliances. Individually some of us may be explosively and furiously expressing our internal needs while those around us may be coolly strolling along. Anticipate flare-ups of all kinds. Just an hour before the disseminating phase begins, at 8:44 pm, MST, Pluto enters Capricorn for the first time in two hundred thirty years. More about that on MoonWise. The Moon will be voiding Virgo tomorrow morning into the afternoon, making it difficult to stick with priorities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 26 Saturday
The Virgo Moon entered her disseminating phase last night, offering us moments of recognizing our unique roles in social contexts and the behaviors they entail. These roles are not static nor necessarily repetitive. Sometimes they call for improvisation, allowing room for mystery, the unexpected. The Moon has been void of course since early this morning until 3:35 pm, MST, when she moves into Libra and squares off with Pluto, challenging us to focus on our ideals in the face of powerful changes that test our ability to direct our personal lives.


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