Monday, March 03, 2008

Balsamic and New Moon

March 3 Monday
We begin the week with a void of course Capricorn Moon for most of the day. As the Moon tosses out structure-seeking Capricorn, we may think our well-defined world is falling apart. Instead of getting frantic and groping for some kind of order, allow yourself to meander and accept whatever shows up as possibly an indicator of some change to come. The Moon enters her balsamic phase this evening at 7:18, MT. Thinking outside the box during the days ahead may lead to increased excitement. This phase is for envisioning a more expansive life. The Moon moves into progressive Aquarius at 9:24 pm.

March 4 Tuesday
The Aquarius Moon returns during the night to where it began this lunation cycle. Reflect on how both we as individuals and our social structures go through many levels of change and yet on the inside we sense the same person or institution that used to be 7 years old or 14 or any of the ages we have experienced. Yet there is something more at this point in time. With a sense of that added recent awareness, envision how the you that is now may ooze out into everyday happenings and evolve in the month ahead. Mars re-entered Cancer early this morning energizing some personal, individualistic part of us.

March 5 Wednesday
The Aquarius Moon occults or covers up three planets in Aquarius before 3 pm, MT. If you can locate the faint sliver of the balsamic Moon in the sky, imagine Mercury, then Venus, and lastly Neptune behind it. Watch your emotional barometer and how well you are able to articulate what you feel. At 2:46 pm the Moon goes void of course until tomorrow morning. As the Moon releases into the air the equality-conscious sense of Aquarius, reflect on what kind of equilibrium you have in attending to your inner and outer persona. Can the part of you others see and hear bare stuff you usually keep hidden?

March 6 Thursday
The almost completely darkened Moon is deep in the underwater world of Pisces. We may awaken this morning with a collection of images that intimate things to come if we’ve built a bridge between our private dream world and our public dream world. Wear dream-tinted glasses today to get a sense of your underlying emotional field. Is there consistency, confusion, satisfaction or dissatisfaction, comfort or discomfort? Harness your emotions to attract what brings you joy. Don’t desert yourself to the powers of massive delusions.

March 7 Friday
We have a new Moon in Pisces at 10:14 am, MT, stirring up novel influences in our lives that appeal to our basic emotional needs, especially the need to be happy. This new beginning revives our joie de vivre with unconventional images like those found in a science fiction novel. The Moon goes void of course at 12:03 pm until tomorrow morning. Remarkable subtleties may emerge while the Moon is washing away Pisces that may lead to unusual activities. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 1:00 to 1:30 pm, MST, for the weekend Moon Minute.

March 8 Saturday
The Moon is in Aries, receptive to birthing experiences that create good feelings. A multitude of options are available, and we may feel like any kind of action is better than none. Avoid those that detach you from social interaction, and take the course you choose step by step, as we may be bombarded with all sorts of psychic input to the point of saturation. Even on Sunday, beware of rash attempts to go exploring, but do let some freshness into your life. Wider activities may bring a sense of inner and outer balance, but not if they are sought out of compulsion or addiction.


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