Monday, December 15, 2008

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

December 15 Monday
The Moon is in Leo reminding us that our relationship with others is meaningless if we have no sense of who we are as a complete individual. The Moon enters her disseminating phase at 2:36 pm, MT. This provides moments of insight in which we may see the heart of our being and how that is the “me” that reaches out to embrace the “we.” At this time in the cycle we are asked to get into a social rhythm that rejuvenates our team members. Maybe we need to share a new activity. Yet there may be conflicts with fun and work, and it may be challenging to assert oneself today.

December 16 Tuesday
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With this Leo Moon we may be anticipating changes and be inspired to take in new conditions that facilitate the co-ordination of our efforts to contribute to the alleviation of overbearing circumstances and the disintegration of old ways. We each need to create a new dimension of experience that deepens a resolve to improve our social life and services. At 5:45 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until after midnight. While the Moon puts out the warming glow of Leo, we may become disoriented and not know what’s what anymore. We can be easily swayed by bleeding hearts.

December 17 Wednesday
The Moon is in Virgo, and emotional states can easily mesh with those of work colleagues. Expressing one’s feelings in the workplace may trigger the intuitive faculties of others. Sharing the inner pictures that come to light may help renew the creative powers of the whole workforce. There are opportunities to meet pleasant and charming people. Those we engage with today, who share similar interests, may assist us in seeing our social positioning, how we operate with others. All we need to do is be adaptable, cooperative, and responsive in our affiliations.

December 18 Thursday
With Thursday’s Virgo Moon we may find ourselves persuaded to participate in activities outside of our personal usual norm. We can do without the everyday conventionality yet fear relying on our own ideas. Virgo likes to engage in projects with other people, especially if there is some benefic for oneself. Being far removed from familiar routines may bring up vulnerabilities that trigger protective stances and overreactions. Staying busy and keeping an eye out for the bright side of things can ward off irritable clashes and other frustrating conflicts.

December 19 Friday
The Virgo Moon entered her last quarter phase early this morning, beginning a period when we can clearly grasp the significance of our role within a group and see how it links us to other things. The Moon is voiding herself of service-oriented Virgo this morning and distracting us with things like daydreaming. At 7:23 am, MT, she moves into Libra with offers of several ideal choices for empowering ourselves. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

December 20 Saturday
The last quarter Libra Moon ushers in eloquent options on how we can juggle our social and personal needs while setting out to uncover future new territory. Sunday morning we have the official winter solstice at 5:04 MT, as the Sun enters Capricorn. With the Libra Moon we can sum up the benefits and lessons of the past year, let it go, and begin to see future possibilities. The Moon goes void of course Sunday at 9:57 am for almost seven hours of airing out the poetic sensitivity of Libra, making the day ideal for rituals involving creative imagination. At 4:36 pm, the Moon enters power-boosting Scorpio.


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