Sunday, January 03, 2010

Disseminating and Last Quarter Moon

January 4 Monday
The Virgo disseminating Moon presents precise data that supports our understanding of what we have latched our attention on over the past couple of weeks. A new cycle of interaction and communication begins today with retrograde Mercury conjoined with the Sun displaying what is lacking in our social interactions. We may need to re-interpret our cultural assumptions. How might we cultivate speaking honestly and discreetly about what we perceive to be true? Avoiding hassles or making waves often creates a circuitous path or detour to fairness or equality.

January 5 Tuesday
With this disseminating Virgo Moon we may come to a deeper understanding of the interaction between our mythic beliefs and the roles we play in the stories they create. Notice in particular how you behave in those frenzied, explosive moments. The Moon goes void of course at 10:25 am, MT. For over eleven hours she’s dusting off the astute feelings of Virgo, cloaking sentimental moments and subtly smiling at joyous ones! For the rest of this day it is best that we patiently wait for things to come to us, rather than aggressively going after what we want. At 9:58 pm, the Moon moves into the generally pleasing atmosphere of Libra.

January 6 Wednesday
In the early morning with this Libra Moon a sobering sense of duty prevails, calling for self-discipline. Yet a need for information spills over any constraints. We may find ourselves getting out of the darkness of ignorance and accumulating examples of previously unnoticed behaviors, even if this is a slow and difficult task. A little exertion may lead to a new level of social participation, bringing a sense of harmony even though the judgmental mind may still hold critical thoughts. Libra may not so much resolve our problems with polarized thoughts and feelings as balance them, help us to see how they are equal.

January 7 Thursday
The Libra Moon entered her last quarter phase early this morning. From now through the end of the week is a time to grasp the meaning of whatever changes you have decided to make and to give priority to emerging impulses. Creative energies show up while in a versatile stance towards the flow of events which produce innovation and the realization of a vision. Appreciation and understanding of cosmic or mystical influences foster a recognition of right timing for activities. Spiritual resources gather and are palpable as the day wanes. All we need to do is clear a time and space to receive their wisdom.

January 8 Friday
The Moon moved into soul-quaking Scorpio early this morning, awakening us to new experiences. Here is an opportunity to meld deeper into the matrix of life that our souls desire, not necessarily our egotistical minds that can navigate us into dark, dangerous places. Extracting the truth of present circumstances takes awareness of shadow problems and, perhaps, letting go of normal perspectives. Hidden influences may inspire us to eliminate rotten thinking. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 9 Saturday
This Scorpio Moon reminds us of what in our lives has run its course and reached the time to die. If we continue to fool ourselves about what must end, we risk the possibility of stifling something new. Subtle resonances hidden in the background reinforce this and suggest solutions for moving forward. Sunday morning at 8:02 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course to rid herself of Scorpio’s obsessive maneuvering. By ridding ourselves of ego enmeshments during the three hours of this lunar voiding, we may encounter incredible openings to how our souls operate. At 11:10 am, Sunday, the Moon moves into the accelerating energies of Sagittarius.


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