Sunday, May 09, 2010

Balsamic and New Moon

May 10 Monday
Just after midnight the Aries Moon entered her balsamic phase. The next few days before Thursday’s new Moon is a time to transcend present circumstances somewhat the way a pregnant woman does, knowing that any hardship brought on by her condition is transitory and that the coming birth brings the excitement of newness. Self-realizations come quickly during this time along with a readiness to participate in a new adventure. It’s time to align oneself with the needs that are showing up, surrendering one’s will, and being ever vigilant of the inward reverberations of what is dwelling in one’s head.

May 11 Tuesday
On this last day of an Aries Moon, we have the opportunity to harmonize our personality components in such a way that access to worlds previously foreign to us is available. This may include strange kinds of dreams or numinous sensations of emerging into a brand new universe. Our internal world may be most unusual and distinctive. It is best to elevate one’s will to a greater level of service for all who dwell on this earth. Also at 4:27 pm, MT, Mercury is stationary to go direct. Intuition is quickened by this placement and the Aries Moon. Follow yours, as there also exists a titter-tottering between kinetic activity and inertia.

May 12 Wednesday
Early this morning the Moon moved into Taurus, a sign often unbridled in its yearnings. We can be easily persuaded to pursue our desires. There is a special grace for finding ways to get whatever one wants today, even when being keenly aware of associated vulnerabilities. Taurus likes peace and quiet and is averse to fighting. There is, moreover, a strong need for security, such that Taurus will make promises to fulfill that requirement. It’s not surprising, however, for Taurus to break agreements, usually for possessive, greedy motives. Unfulfilled promises often bring about loss, a constant theme of Taurus.

May 13 Thursday
With this Taurus Moon there are strong yearnings to bring something hidden out into the open, to try it out, to experiment with it. We may feel impatient, wanting to take action and then have second thoughts, doubtful. Some of this comes with the territory of the balsamic Moon, but that all changes this evening at 7:04 pm, MT, with the new Moon. This new Moon phase brings an emphasis on the trophies we accrue. Over the next few days pay attention to the treasures you go after and what they are worth to you. How does a collection of certain types of experiences make you feel, and how do they address your reputation?

May 14 Friday
With this morning’s Taurus Moon, notice how your possessions, both tangible and intangible, contribute to your self –esteem and make you feel special. Do they entrap you in a rigid self-image, or are they liberating? The Moon voids herself of clinging Taurus from 6:28 am, MT, until 7:18 am, when she moves into foot-loose and unfettered Gemini. Thoughts of being more detached may come up but not be articulated, as obsessions with one’s trophy experiences overwhelm one. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 15 Saturday
This Gemini Moon drives a whole array of images through our minds that show sacrifices we’ve made to attain a collection of experiences that speak to our strength and confidence. Some give testimony to our values and ideals. There may be unsettling moments that suggest moving on from the past. On Sunday at 11:06 am, MT, the Moon spends a short time blowing off the scattering energy of Gemini and at 11:46 am moves into memory-alert Cancer. This sign fosters some personal research on one’s history for an honest, raw look at events and experiences.


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