Sunday, January 02, 2011

New and Crescent Moon

January 3 Monday
This balsamic Capricorn Moon brings up issues of boundaries and expectations. There’s a porousness that gives a sense of inclusiveness that can be deceiving. Taking things on faith may lead to the same conclusion. Capricorn can be highly rigid, going to any length to be right. Such pursuit can lead to a dead-end street today. Before the new Moon tomorrow morning, it can be easy to get disoriented. A beneficial use of the Capricorn energy would be to contemplate the inner world of imagination and spiritual realities. Thoughtful and methodic Capricorn can approach inklings of issues coming with tomorrow’s solar eclipse.

January 4 Tuesday
We had a new Moon and Solar eclipse in the early morning hours. With this Capricorn Moon there is an emergence of questions about the way we have interpreted our past. We are responsible for the way in which we understand our personal history. There are huge collective forces urging us to grow and transform our lives. To do that, we need to find ways to use our past as a catalyst for change. And there’s fresh energy specifically for taking responsibility for the circumstances of one’s life and for commencing on a new course, even if the destination is unknown.

January 5 Wednesday
The Capricorn Moon is void of course. As she is shaking off this truth-seeking sign, we may humbly see how our ambitions have led us in the Capricorn area of our lives and how that might reflect some ego and some spiritual pursuit like a sense of service to others. Early morning contemplation on this can produce fuel for a new direction of self-discovery. At 9:08 am, MT, the Moon moves into the team-spirit of Aquarius. We often think of Aquarius as independent and original, but this sign knows that such singularity comes only as the result of much group activity and the collective achievements of the past.

January 6 Thursday
With this Aquarius Moon we become vulnerable to the rumblings of change. So many past events come to mind which appear as samples of how quickly and suddenly things are no longer the same. These occurrences have been gifts, and it’s time to acknowledge their value, for that is the basis on which progress can be made. Enjoying, even celebrating, what has been, can bring about an opening for a new use of the virtues and principles that have brought us to this point in time. Aquarius can be scornful of the past if it gets in the way of improving the world. Today brings a keen awareness of this.

January 7 Friday
This Aquarius Moon can be a reminder of what has been forgotten. What has been previously lost, surfaces, but without a container, it can easily slip away again. Levels of consciousness shift like waves in a storm at sea, especially when the Moon is void of course from 1:51 pm to 7:57 pm, MT. During that period, the Moon is blowing off erratic Aquarius, and we may become aware of how much effort it takes to clear out the old and make room for the new. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

January 8 Saturday
The Moon is in Pisces and entered her crescent phase at 1:19 MT, this morning. This phase calls for determination to partake in more of life than one’s familiar personal history. The Pisces Moon invites us to flow through all the records of our past. What have been our standards and ideals, and what do we want to crystallize next in our lives? If we are steadfast in examining these matters, on Sunday we may be inspired as to just how to take a leap forward over some hurdles that have been holding us back. By communing with spirit as we go through our typical Sunday performance, hidden influences just might whisper advice to us.


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