Sunday, February 06, 2011

Crescent and First Quarter Moon

February 7 Monday
The Aries Moon entered her crescent phase late last night. It’s time to start tackling the obstacles of the past four days by looking for openings full of promise. Many gaps can be investigated, but large-scale efforts are needed to find the one that will reveal the most. Much can be done today through organizing options and establishing a rhythm that is informative and pleasurable. At its best Aries is a goal setting sign that can be ceaselessly and consistently active. We can take what is discovered today and use it as a new basis from which to proceed. There are plenty of incentives to advance thoughtfully.

February 8 Tuesday
This Aries Moon presents us with an array of possibilities that we can mull over and pick our way through until we find ourselves drawn into a different way of seeing things. This may feel as if we are awakening, coming out of a dormant state in response to some inner music that’s opening us up to untried experiences. Aries is often thought of as the pioneer with an entrepreneurial spirit. Too much moving on to explore more, however, can thwart learning. Aries needs to harness its insatiable energy long enough to take stock of progress made and to realize the value of what has been done.

February 9 Wednesday
The Moon is in Taurus, nudging us to make use of our inner resources with each encounter. They can help us gauge what is needed in each situation and accurately reflect back what is requested. When centered, Taurus can be bluntly honest and fiercely rooted in its stance, ready to prove itself . Satisfaction can be derived from one’s convictions today as well as from participating in some extremely intense, even potentially devastating, activities. So give voice to your truth; speak from your heart, especially when confronted by obstacles. Be careful not to be undermined by jealousy or greed.

February 10 Thursday
The Taurus Moon relies on her environment for sustenance. It’s important today to make a decision about how to secure easy access to what is needed and desired. Actively gather as much information as possible about obstacles, missing pieces, or blind spots encountered recently. Putting one’s finger on the problems and seeing through any denial or illusion can fire one up to take productive action. Taurus is not comfortable leaving things to chance. It likes to be on top of things. We are urged to move beyond past failures where we stumbled off such a controlling position. Energize the Taurus part of you that has the talent to follow through on needs.

February 11 Friday
The Taurus Moon entered her first quarter phase last night, urging us to take co-ordinated action which develops and brings to lights something we cherish. The Moon goes void of course at 12:27 pm, MT, for three hours of dusting off the lingering pleasures of Taurus. Slipping into daydreaming may be an easy indulgence during this time. At 3:20 pm, the Moon moves into alert and agile Gemini. Lots of ideas can get generated and circulated. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

February 12 Saturday
With this Gemini Moon our minds raise all sorts of issues. Mental organization is fostered as well as friendly exchanges of information. We may come to a better understanding of our early conditioning around dealing with impasses. Circumstances may force us to view some aspects of our reality differently. On Sunday we may choose to snip away dead weight to make room for a broader view of some issues. Gemini tries to come up with new combinations for things, sort of like an artist does with ideas and media. Versatility and diversification are Gemini tools for a new synthesis or for simply restructuring.


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