Sunday, June 05, 2011

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

June 6 Monday
This Leo Moon tells us to take control of personal events today with a sense of conviction. Express what is needed with the full force of feelings that accompany that necessity. Leo imprints his own unique image on demands. This requires being centered in oneself. It’s important to be aligned in one’s thoughts and feelings about what is required. Such a union can evoke the passion that moves the leonine heart to achieve great successes. Conflicts may arise between security and freedom and relationship and independence needs. Any sort of action is better than none to fulfill desires.

June 7 Tuesday
The Leo Moon goes void of course at 9:27 am, MT, drenching out the flamboyance of Leo for four hours. During this time we may feel invisible and misunderstood. Avoid conflict and commitments until 1:33 pm, when the Moon moves into matter-of-fact Virgo. New alliances may show up and guidance from some expert can help to evaluate choices available. Creating a sense of communal bonds may help in fulfilling needs and activating some personal potential. Virgo can worry about the future, but can dissipate such concerns by channeling that kind of stress into making personal innovations and experiments.

June 8 Wednesday
This Virgo Moon may find us exceedingly orderly, thinking we can make something perfect yet umpteen problems intervene this morning. Clarity is more important today than completeness. Take a close-up view of all of your skills and talents, noting which are underused that make your heart sing. As we end the crescent Moon phase today, it is time to decide which part of you gets your attention over the next four days. At 8:11 pm, MT, the Moon enters her first quarter phase, a time for dedicated action, and in this cycle that involves looking for alternatives or different influences that promote greater opportunities.

June 9 Thursday
The Moon is void of course, sweeping off the precision of Virgo into the afternoon. During this time artistic dispositions may thrive while trying to understand things rationally may not be worth the effort. At 4:31 pm, MT, the Moon moves into the strong sensibilities of Libra. If your perceptions still seem distorted from earlier today, link up with someone who generally is gifted at seeing into things. The friend who seems to have an odd talent of transmitting unexpected information just may show up with a peculiar mix of news which surprisingly may be helpful.

June 10 Friday
This Libra Moon highlights the student teacher relationship. There may be the need to meet up with an authority figure for some instruction. Or someone may need your expert guidance. Such exchanges bring common understanding that can lead to equal opportunities. Libra seeks harmonious partnerships and always needs to make meaningful improvements. Libra also has an eye for the right corrective action. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

June 11 Saturday
The Moon is void of course until this evening, blowing away the rectifying energies of Libra. During this time openness to others seems easy. We may be unable to shield or avoid external stimuli. At 6:33 pm, MT, the Moon moves into probing Scorpio, encouraging us to expand our emotional options. Sunday at 4:46 am, the Moon enters her gibbous phase. It’s time to stay focused on priorities as we come to the lunar eclipse on Wednesday. On Sunday our ability to withstand diversions or even pressure will be tested by social interactions.


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