Sunday, May 08, 2011

First Quarter and Gibbous Moon

May 9 Monday
This Leo Moon stirs up urges to break the rules. There’s adeptness at playing all sorts of games to see what it’s like to be free of some duties deemed to be ideal. All day there may be a feeling of carrying a heavy weight which would be bearable if only others saw it the way we do. Concerns about what others think get in the way of personal inner processes. Exchanging important bits of information can, however, be helpful. This Leo Moon can spotlight the emotional baggage of our childhood that may still be in the closet. Deep guarded feelings can come to light with just the slightest bit of teasing.

May 10 Tuesday
The Leo Moon enters her first quarter phase at 2:33 pm, MT. These days in which we see a quarter Moon are best used exploring the implications of whatever new awareness arrived during the past week. In this cycle we are urged to open our hearts to a bigger picture of life, letting in all warmth and love and safeguarding our recreative abilities from being weakened by burdensome postponements of unloading what separates us. Include everything and everyone encountered today. If doubt shows up, think the best. There is promise whirling all around us, just waiting for us to play with it.

May 11 Wednesday
The Moon is voiding herself of deeply-generous Leo until 7:59 am, MT, when she moves into environmentally-conscious Virgo. Internal batteries get charged to tackle priorities. There’s a spirit of cooperation and promise. Relevant information abounds, and needed skills are accessible. Virgo provides the necessary discipline to harness what’s available for change and concentrate on that. The Virgo part of us is generally reliable to make some effort to develop what is desired. Virgo makes modifications to fit personal needs and thinks up alternatives when the going gets rough.

May 12 Thursday
This Virgo Moon can exhibit selective techniques which are effective in bringing about the results wanted. The Virgo mantra is “use it if it does the job!” But before you do, consider all the factors involved and prioritize them according to their value. Learn all the insides and outs of your circumstances today. Be totally clear in how you maneuver towards your goals. The Moon goes void of course at 8:52 pm, MT, fogging up clarity while dusting off the precision of Virgo until mid-morning tomorrow. Of course we can escape the vagueness of this period by going to bed early.

May 13 Friday
The Moon is shedding herself of orderly Virgo until 9:56 am, MT. This correlates to feeling overwhelmed by one’s usual morning rituals. Just before 10 am, the Moon moves into the high standards and expectations of Libra. Unusual adjustments may be necessary. Gathering the right people to share the burden of making changes leads to powerful results. Libra relationships are good at disentangling inappropriate connections. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

May 14 Saturday
The Libra Moon entered her gibbous phase late last night. It’s time to finish up loose ends to have a strong sense of how one bears burdens, no matter whose. It’s important now to pay attention to the influences that have bought value to the baggage we carry. On Sunday morning at 10:01, MT, the Moon voids herself of obliging Libra for a half hour during which we may be easily swayed. At 10:32 am, the Moon moves into Scorpio, a sign not inclined to compromise without good reason. Scorpio brings deep urges for improvement. The Scorpio part of us may show the underlying scenarios that attach us to long-held burdens.


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