Sunday, April 17, 2011

Full and Disseminating Moon

April 18 Monday
With the full Moon in Scorpio we may feel we have gone deep down under something, standing there and knowing, as if for the first time, what it is, what we’re endowed with and what is expected of us. All of this comes with a percolating urge to step out of the grips of some shadowy past behaviors into new territory. Yet there is tension today between having the audacity to execute some radically different action and the wisdom to enforce discipline in pursuing what might be thought of as a fancy. Other conflicts may show up between what is considered work and what is labeled play.

April 19 Tuesday
This Scorpio Moon comes with a range of innuendos, opinions and strong ideas. Somehow we may come up against the theme of this lunation, to investigate how we include new or different factors in our views of the bigger story of who we humans are. In sizing ourselves up to metaphysical questions about our existence, we may gain insight into our shortcomings, what qualities are lacking, as well as our gifts, what we have to offer. Such an analysis can produce a sense of how to maneuver through present impediments and travel a path that feels right and fulfilling.

April 20 Wednesday
The Moon is in Sagittarius and the Sun is in Taurus. How do we feel about our beliefs and treasure them as a resource which sustains us? Answering that question can lead to bringing our energies into a common focus for refreshing vitality to deal with collective pressures. We may be re-discovering a quest for an ideal life in a new way and imagine that reality more positively instead of being depressed by the passing moments. Greater understanding of personal experiences of cultural and historical factors brings a sense of security in knowing that one’s perceptions can be expanded upon for improvement.

April 21 Thursday
Earlier this morning the Sagittarius Moon entered her disseminating phase, a time for putting out information and letting go of the past for a new freedom. Sagittarius can support this by giving us an inner feeling of permission and courage to, at least, explore new emotional options. Jumping into action may come easily until 10:57 am, MT, when the Moon goes void of course for the rest of the day. From then on, we’re better off taking things as they happen and working on activities we had planned for the day within an imaginary scenario. Sagittarius actually lives well in an inner world.

April 22 Friday
The Moon moved into Capricorn early this morning, providing energy to materialize one’s hopes and wishes in natural ways. A new and surprising context for one’s plans can encourage developing a not-thought-of-before potential. Openings for major changes appear which offer stability in the midst of chaos. Sudden attractions provide the excitement needed to urge on experimenting for the reform desired. The Capricorn part of us can keep us grounded. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 23 Saturday
With this Capricorn Moon, Mercury went direct this morning, reflecting an improvement in concentration. Paying attention to our everyday needs may feel like shifting gears. Exploring a new phase of activity can lead to novel connections. At 6:13 pm, MT, the Moon goes void of course until late tomorrow morning, shaking off the responsible attitudes of Capricorn. Many of us may want to remain unavailable during this transition. On Sunday at 11:59 am, the Moon moves into the detached but friendly world of Aquarius, and at 8:47 pm, enters her last quarter phase, a time to use wisdom to let go of some attachments and take the lead in making some changes.


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