Sunday, April 24, 2011

Last Quarter and Balsamic Moon

April 25 Monday
This Aquarius Moon offers a heavy dose of remembering times passed. Aquarius is adept at being self-observant, and today we may be wrapped up in making comparisons of different periods of our lives. A wide range of factors may come together if we let go of temporary pleasures and plunge into the task of reforming our lives. Aquarius can coldly and systematically dissemble the existing order of things, but with some sisterly or even self compassion can replace it with the meaningful integrity of the new order in mind. Independent action with the freedom to be inconsistent is cherished by this sign.

April 26 Tuesday
The Aquarius Moon is void of course most of today. While she is blowing off the autonomous, erratic, and sometimes willful behaviors of this sign, we may find ourselves idealizing change, even eccentric, out-of-the-blue shifts in behavior. The Aquarian independence may prefer to be veiled in anonymity. Instability can prevail on days like this one. Comfort comes with belonging or hiding out in the mob while being sensitive to the mass consciousness. Being singled out can feel highly uncomfortable. The Moon moves into the highly influential waters of Pisces at 10:57 pm, MT.

April 27 Wednesday
With this Pisces Moon we can appreciate the beliefs which govern our lives, fully accepting those that have to do with our ability to reform what is no longer working. There are new emotional waters to be navigated, and we can always ask for inner guidance. The Moon goes void of course at 1:52 pm, MT, until late Friday morning. During this time the veil between our external and internal worlds is thinnest, making it easier to have faith in those messages that come while meditating or communing with nature. Pisces can excel at inhabiting a world of innerness and bring through information from that space.

April 28 Thursday
The Pisces Moon is void of course all day. This is like being in the doldrums with not even a current to take us in some direction. This can be a strange, disconnected space that can leave one feeling depressed. Music can be a good tonic for uplifting spirits during such a time. Late tonight at 10:27, MT, the Moon enters her balsamic phase while still rinsing off the inspirational and psychic waters of Pisces. This makes for an extra-sensitive time for transcending existing conditions. Dreams tonight could be full of images about how to put together a new vision for the future.

April 29 Friday
With the Pisces Moon still void of course, we may feel like withdrawing this morning for some quiet reflective time. At 11:33 am, MT, the Moon moves into rambunctious Aries. The fresh energy that comes with this sign is not quite as peppy as usual while in the balsamic phase. So much is coming together that we may feel overwhelmed, not knowing just quite where to begin with some things until the new Moon on Tuesday morning. Listen to MoonWise tomorrow on the worldwide web at from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, MT, for the weekend Moon Minute.

April 30 Saturday
The Aries Moon meets up with Mercury for the first time since that planet went direct, helping us sum up factors that needed reconsideration over the past month. We may see certain patterns with greater clarity. The Moon also returns this afternoon to the degree of the last new Moon, offering us insight into our personal growth in consciousness. On Sunday at 9:20 am, MT, the Moon goes void of course, snuffing out the spontaneity of Aries until almost midnight. Inclinations rear their heads to escape from the usual Sunday activities. Acting on instincts can lead to some unexpected information.


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